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Thread: Disaster!! Lebara calls??? Cheating GF??

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Fitzy Disaster!! Lebara calls???... 24th June 2009, 08:18
adam&chryss sorry to hear about that... 24th June 2009, 08:31
Mrs.JMajor Sorry to hear that... Ask... 24th June 2009, 09:03
maria_and_matt it is possible that you had a... 24th June 2009, 09:07
paulgee Hi Fitzy, it's been nice... 24th June 2009, 09:05
Mrs.JMajor Hooooo, galing ng mga pinay... 24th June 2009, 09:09
adam&chryss some network companies do... 24th June 2009, 09:25
Fitzy Thank you everybody. Lebara... 24th June 2009, 09:39
LEAHnew Sorry to hear the news Fitzy,... 24th June 2009, 09:50
Sophie Hi fitz, so sorry to hear... 24th June 2009, 10:59
MarBell379 Don't know if this has any... 24th June 2009, 09:19
Ji&Ma Sorry to hear about the false... 24th June 2009, 09:44
Fitzy You know what guys. I feel... 24th June 2009, 09:56
maria_and_matt hey fitz... hugz to you..! 24th June 2009, 10:04
Sophie Oh, i can see you already... 24th June 2009, 11:09
Sim11UK Phil....I'm confused here... 24th June 2009, 11:21
pennybarry I thought you love her very... 24th June 2009, 13:04
Fitzy No MJ was not lined up ok! ... 24th June 2009, 13:08
bornatbirth your confusioning me :Erm: ... 24th June 2009, 10:10
KeithD In the case of me it might be... 24th June 2009, 10:14
pennybarry Keep Calm Fits! Don't jump... 24th June 2009, 10:13
KeithD ...and when you phone you... 24th June 2009, 10:14
Mrs.JMajor And If I am having affair/sex... 24th June 2009, 10:20
Alan People have given you some... 24th June 2009, 10:28
Fitzy Well she accidentally... 24th June 2009, 10:29
Mrs.JMajor :yikes::yikes: So you had new... 24th June 2009, 10:36
Fitzy She is somebody i stupidly... 24th June 2009, 10:47
bornatbirth whos this new lady??? and... 24th June 2009, 10:46
maria_and_matt :Erm:, its really unlikely... 24th June 2009, 10:48
KeithD People usually pay £1.50 a... 24th June 2009, 10:53
maria_and_matt hahaha, i only paid... 24th June 2009, 10:56
Mrs.JMajor Well, if you see how Maria... 24th June 2009, 10:57
aromulus It looks like as there was a... 24th June 2009, 10:49
Sophie I wish you all the best on... 24th June 2009, 11:25
Mrs.JMajor Fitzy, you need to say now... 24th June 2009, 11:04
bornatbirth can i just add in your other... 24th June 2009, 11:55
MarBell379 Sorry, but I can't resist... 24th June 2009, 12:38
KeithD Hmmm.....He says he is... 24th June 2009, 12:42
MarBell379 Its actually quite easy to... 24th June 2009, 12:49
Tawi2 Whats the old adage?One ball... 24th June 2009, 12:51
Sophie Very true:xxgrinning--00xx3: 24th June 2009, 12:59
MarBell379 We're not laughing Fitzy -... 24th June 2009, 13:13
tiN Sorry to hear about the news... 24th June 2009, 13:55
Mrs.JMajor Hmm, gone out for 2 hours and... 24th June 2009, 13:56
Fitzy Well, she cd have done right... 24th June 2009, 14:00
Tawi2 Look at it philosophically... 24th June 2009, 14:04
Mrs.JMajor What if that is not Roni, as... 24th June 2009, 15:15
bornatbirth just goes to show before you... 24th June 2009, 17:34
Jay&Zobel Hi Fitzy, I am glad you... 24th June 2009, 17:43
vbkelly that's another problem of... 24th June 2009, 17:57
vbkelly thanks GOD Fitzy's problem is... 24th June 2009, 17:44
KeithD :omg: I think murder is a bit... 24th June 2009, 17:51
vbkelly im guilty... 24th June 2009, 17:54
Fitzy Roni deserves a chance 24th June 2009, 18:04
Sophie BEST OF LUCK FITZ... 24th June 2009, 18:07
Sophie maybe she meant "dispatch"... 24th June 2009, 17:55
Mrs.JMajor So are you gonna put back... 24th June 2009, 17:51
pennybarry If I am Roni, I will give you... 24th June 2009, 18:02
Ji&Ma Very glad you've got it... 24th June 2009, 18:02
Tawi2 Two women :Erm:One guy... 24th June 2009, 18:08
Mrs.JMajor Put back Roni's pic... 24th June 2009, 18:08
Fitzy Of course 24th June 2009, 19:07
Mrs.JMajor Ohh gesssh, glad we manage to... 24th June 2009, 19:10
Tawi2 Sorry Mrs M,blame the sugar... 24th June 2009, 19:11
Mrs.JMajor How many times you been... 24th June 2009, 19:13
tiN Best of luck Fitzy :) 24th June 2009, 18:30
Mrs Daddy Oh dear I dont know what to... 24th June 2009, 18:47
Jay&Zobel Read all the posts po!! ... 24th June 2009, 18:49
Sophie no mrs daddy, the cheating... 24th June 2009, 18:50
Mrs.JMajor :icon_lol::icon_lol: What a... 24th June 2009, 19:04
Tawi2 Page 5 is better than being... 24th June 2009, 19:09
Mrs Daddy I just read it so I think its... 24th June 2009, 19:08
Mrs.JMajor :icon_lol:You feel guilty now... 24th June 2009, 19:53
Mrs.JMajor Is that Roni in your avatar ?... 24th June 2009, 19:58
Fitzy yes thank u too good 4 me... 24th June 2009, 20:34
Ji&Ma Are you still sleepless or... 24th June 2009, 20:36
Fitzy No my friend, just watching a... 24th June 2009, 20:40
Ji&Ma Take care Fitzy and good luck... 24th June 2009, 20:01
miss.piggy I've had a problem with my... 24th June 2009, 20:21
bornatbirth you can talk my friend but... 24th June 2009, 20:47
Fitzy sorry, u r right of course,... 24th June 2009, 20:50
Fitzy oooops better load her phone... 24th June 2009, 20:54
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  1. #1
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    your confusioning me

    you have been posting how well it as been going and now you have found out shes cheating on you!

    she as admited to it?

    can i ask why are you giving money to the family and £400 to her sister? my wifes family would be to embarrassed to ask!

    if she was having sex why would she answer the phone?

    my wife phoned me and when the phone was answered she asked for me and a man say ok and my wife heard the man talking to a woman....and she thought it was me and later asked me who the woman was what woman??????????
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    if she was having sex why would she answer the phone?
    In the case of me it might be the bookmakers!

    I'd just let her get back to you as the next move, see what she says.
    Keith - Administrator

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