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Thread: Software update for iphone/ipod touch issue

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    Software update for iphone/ipod touch issue

    Don't suppose any of you guys own an iphone/ipod touch, connect it to your car stereo with an adaptor and have recently upgraded the OS to v3?

    I have, and now when I sometimes change tracks (more often than not), there is now a lag from when I change tracks on my stereo and the track actually changes. The lags gets worse if you try and skip through a few tracks at once!

    Usually, once a track does change, I can get through a few tracks before the display on the stereo updates to reflect the currently playing track!

    I've tried resetting the ipod to factory, then resyncing, but the issue doesn't seem to want to go away at the minute!

    Any ideas?

  2. #2
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    Sorry I have no Ideas. But will speak to Staff of Apple I have to meet in the course of my work if an opptunity arises.

    I have learned never be one of the first to upgrade software or firmware

    Seems quite a few are suffering the same problem which in a way is good news and means there be an update soioner rather than later what with the samsung,nokia and palm rivals making the market a little more competive
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Sorry I have no Ideas.
    you don't know Andy , good job he's not a paying customer of your's

    neither do i

    but i would have thought there might be updates to fix some bugs or put back your version 2 if you can

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    you don't know Andy , good job he's not a paying customer of your's

    neither do i

    but i would have thought there might be updates to fix some bugs or put back your version 2 if you can
    Well dont have an i anything

    But I was given a goodie bag from Apple a while back(We are in the middle of a big Deal at the moment) but chucked it in my laptop bag (a dell) and now its sitting in a box awaiting to go to phill. So I may have owned some i wotist for a while
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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    My mobile is absolutely fantastic, I can actually make phone calls with it.....

  6. #6
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    hi dave, both me and my son updated the software and it corrupted our itunes, we called apple support and they admitted the the version 3 is a bit buggy, they told us to save all our songs and reinstall itunes.. my son did that and now it works perfect.. i just kept on synching and it seem to work now too... moral of the story is dont be too quick to update.... when i updated some of my apps wont work too... which is highly annoying... but iphone i think is still the best phone in the planet
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    hi dave, both me and my son updated the software and it corrupted our itunes, we called apple support and they admitted the the version 3 is a bit buggy, they told us to save all our songs and reinstall itunes.. my son did that and now it works perfect.. i just kept on synching and it seem to work now too... moral of the story is dont be too quick to update.... when i updated some of my apps wont work too... which is highly annoying... but iphone i think is still the best phone in the planet
    I was hoping the resync would work for me too, but sadly not.

    I had an issue with 2.2 where even if fully charged when I went to bed, the ipod would be dead by morning. A quick factory reset sorted that problem though!

    I was hoping the same would work this time. Damn that age old cure of rebooting failing me! It always works so well in work when I have to fix someone's PC!

    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Sorry I have no Ideas. But will speak to Staff of Apple I have to meet in the course of my work if an opptunity arises.

    I have learned never be one of the first to upgrade software or firmware

    Seems quite a few are suffering the same problem which in a way is good news and means there be an update soioner rather than later what with the samsung,nokia and palm rivals making the market a little more competive
    Cheers for the heads up. I did have a search myself to see if anyone else was having similar issues, but I obviously didn't try hard enough

    In a twisted way, I'm definitely happy others are experiencing the same issue. As you say a patch I'm sure will be on the way which is enough for me for now!

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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    My mobile is absolutely fantastic, I can actually make phone calls with it.....
    Next your be getting one of those computer things i tell you they will never take off
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Next your be getting one of those computer things i tell you they will never take off
    When I were so much younger than today, we didn't have mobile phones and computers, and we all survived. If you told someone to send you a text in 1981, they probably thought send the written pieces of paper through the post. If someone said "I'm on Twitter" back then, they'd probably laugh at you and call the police. Any mention of surfing the net would bring howls of laughter and "dont you mean surfing the waves in New Quay?"

    As for MP3 players, I will NEVER buy an I-prod or anything made by Apple, Creative do excellent media players, and a much cheaper cost. Iphone 3G unlocked for £900 over on Play, need I say more.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by ukgangster View Post
    When I were so much younger than today, we didn't have mobile phones and computers, and we all survived. If you told someone to send you a text in 1981, they probably thought send the written pieces of paper through the post. If someone said "I'm on Twitter" back then, they'd probably laugh at you and call the police. Any mention of surfing the net would bring howls of laughter and "dont you mean surfing the waves in New Quay?"

    As for MP3 players, I will NEVER buy an I-prod or anything made by Apple, Creative do excellent media players, and a much cheaper cost. Iphone 3G unlocked for £900 over on Play, need I say more.
    Fair point fella, but then how can you clarify your point on brand choice of MP3 players by quoting a price for something that's primary function is as a mobile phone?

  11. #11
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ukgangster View Post
    When I were so much younger than today, we didn't have mobile phones and computers, and we all survived. If you told someone to send you a text in 1981, they probably thought send the written pieces of paper through the post. If someone said "I'm on Twitter" back then, they'd probably laugh at you and call the police. Any mention of surfing the net would bring howls of laughter and "dont you mean surfing the waves in New Quay?"

    As for MP3 players, I will NEVER buy an I-prod or anything made by Apple, Creative do excellent media players, and a much cheaper cost. Iphone 3G unlocked for £900 over on Play, need I say more.
    i think that i am saving a lot of money with my iphone, with it i have an excellent mp3 player, a phone, a camera, it is also my gaming machine and a mini laptop i can connect to the internet wherever i am
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveUK View Post
    Fair point fella, but then how can you clarify your point on brand choice of MP3 players by quoting a price for something that's primary function is as a mobile phone?
    As for mp3 players, I-pods are always more expensive than other brands with similair specs, this is plainly obvious. With Apple products your paying for style over substance.

    Maybe I'm a bit of a luddite when it comes to technology, but reliance on one product such as I-Phone for phone calls, music, contacts and calendars is crazy - what if that device fails or its lost or stolen?

  13. #13
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    i would like to buy an iphone but we went on the shop in town last saturday iphone is to dear £400+ 8gb it is to much, i tought it was £165 but the £165 is an ipod hmmmm i was gotted lol
    all things are possible!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    i think that i am saving a lot of money with my iphone, with it i have an excellent mp3 player, a phone, a camera, it is also my gaming machine and a mini laptop i can connect to the internet wherever i am

    I dont need nintendo ds because of my iphonbe, .59p or free games, sulit

    Cant wait for my next upgrade
    It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good to check up once in a while to make sure you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by ukgangster View Post
    When I were so much younger than today, we didn't have mobile phones and computers, and we all survived. If you told someone to send you a text in 1981, they probably thought send the written pieces of paper through the post. If someone said "I'm on Twitter" back then, they'd probably laugh at you and call the police. Any mention of surfing the net would bring howls of laughter and "dont you mean surfing the waves in New Quay?"

    As for MP3 players, I will NEVER buy an I-prod or anything made by Apple, Creative do excellent media players, and a much cheaper cost. Iphone 3G unlocked for £900 over on Play, need I say more.
    Greetings Rob Sir.

    Of course new Technolgy comes along, some of no use and others useful.
    I know you are a keener user of I.T products as well.

    Many technolgies im sure many on here have noticed are intended by the makers for one purpose but people find other uses. Alot of them so vital to many people on here.

    Take the Webcam that made LDR's for many so much easier.

    Human Kind surely is all about progression and dare I say it on this site evolution?

    Even the MP3 (and many other formats) has changed the Wife and I's lives.
    When the Wife was in Phill I was able to send mp3's, mp4 and jpegs.

    To have sent audio,video and pictures to phill before computers would have taken weeks possibly longer.

    It had many uses including helping my Wife have the chance to study spoken english for her Ilets. She had studied and taken the exam before possibly the media would have got to her.

    Having an ipod/smartphone as well as for music she could study english wherever she was. Text books would not have helped and the portable wax cylinder most likely would have melted out in phill

    Videos and pictures were taken of our local area in the UK so she knew it before she came here.

    Not groundbreaking or crucial but helped my Wife

    Twitter however bizzare the orignal use is, personally bloging is a bit sad to me if its just about your life but people have written diarys and even recorded personal events by carving into things for generations before that bloke to was born who gave me the mid winter and spring festivals off
    But the actual technolgy is very useful in various ways ie for news as it happens even very local events or things happening thousands of miles away. As my Wife now keeps up with news in her local town
    Twitter also is like a subject file in many twitters i recieve so if i want to read more i can go to a webpage or media hosting site.
    Of course the best way using the gateways she can text with her family and friends for a fraction of the amount it would cost. While the missus can use her smartphone which untill sent over those in phill mainly cant afford they can communicate using a phone they can use with whats now simple sms on a old phone which costs 10 or 20 pounds

    Many people in the UK have free texts and even data plus can afford the technolgy to use these as cheaply as possible. But many in developing nations cant so i celebrate Technolgy being adapted to make their lives just a little easier/better/less costly

    The Wife wonders why i always provide her with smartphones (not iphone they cant multi task and the cameras a bit ) rather than some poser phone or crackberry. As others have mentioned they are cheaper than all the indivudal parts. My wife also is not going to want to carry around a mp3 player, camera, pda, netbook,dvd player plus a phone just on the off chance she needs one or many of these for a short while.

    Maybe to us old we dont want to share with our friends the window displays in regents street and where we have been, but the Wife loves the fact she can upload pictures while out if need be. Share her life with loved ones and feel part of the family looking and sharing photos and videos

    As well as the shared experience it also reasures her family that she is ok and not locked up in a cellar

    Look at skype with the Wife in the UK, her mum in Italy and her bro and sis in two locations in phill. It is tough for them all being apart. But they can have free skype confrence calls while the Bro and sis at present are unable to roam and skpye.
    The WIfe and her Mum can be literally anywhere a phone signal is and use a 3 skpyephone (which costs us nothing a week to run i might add with the new free skype to skype calls).

    The one not mentioned is GPS. While i dont like all this locate me and let all my friends know where I am 24/7. Like the videophone most people want a degree of privacy.

    Its reasuring to know that if the Wife did get lost she does have a way of letting me know where she is or finding her way even if she dont know exactly herself.

    If anything Technolgy makes life just a little bit easier for those apart and for that reason alone I celebrate it.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  16. #16
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    Technology is changing everyday and it is changing how we live our lives.
    It is changing our leisure activities and the workplace. Moreover, our ability to use technology directly affects the quality of our lives.

  17. #17
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    I see people's Iphones have crapped out in the heat Anything over 30C they stop working for good
    Keith - Administrator

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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I see people's Iphones have crapped out in the heat Anything over 30C they stop working for good
    Hang on i'll take the battery out to cool it down oh
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Sorry I have no Ideas. But will speak to Staff of Apple I have to meet in the course of my work if an opptunity arises.

    I have learned never be one of the first to upgrade software or firmware

    Seems quite a few are suffering the same problem which in a way is good news and means there be an update soioner rather than later what with the samsung,nokia and palm rivals making the market a little more competive
    Which reminds me when I did enquire about the latest updatethe apple people were very coy and said people had issues but the apple support webpages would help them out as all the advice there

    Heard of to many people not happy and even if they clear up the issue annoyed at the time they wasted sorting it.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveUK View Post
    Don't suppose any of you guys own an iphone/ipod touch, connect it to your car stereo with an adaptor and have recently upgraded the OS to v3?

    I have, and now when I sometimes change tracks (more often than not), there is now a lag from when I change tracks on my stereo and the track actually changes. The lags gets worse if you try and skip through a few tracks at once!

    Usually, once a track does change, I can get through a few tracks before the display on the stereo updates to reflect the currently playing track!

    I've tried resetting the ipod to factory, then resyncing, but the issue doesn't seem to want to go away at the minute!

    Any ideas?
    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Which reminds me when I did enquire about the latest updatethe apple people were very coy and said people had issues but the apple support webpages would help them out as all the advice there

    Heard of to many people not happy and even if they clear up the issue annoyed at the time they wasted sorting it.

    I'm a PC! hehe ... what's with Apples anyway they are just iconic tbh

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    I'm a PC! hehe ... what's with Apples anyway they are just iconic tbh
    We have a talking computer here

    Just a company thats always been good at marketing.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    I'm a PC! hehe ... what's with Apples anyway they are just iconic tbh
    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    We have a talking computer here

    Just a company thats always been good at marketing.

    hahaha... Don't you know that advert "I'm a PC?" I'm sure you do hehehe...

    I'm not an Apple user, I'm Window's hehehe

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    hahaha... Don't you know that advert "I'm a PC?" I'm sure you do hehehe...

    I'm not an Apple user, I'm Window's hehehe
    So have you got a Zune or whatever they are called
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  24. #24
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    So have you got a Zune or whatever they are called
    Sony Walkman I burn all my DVD's onto cassette
    Keith - Administrator

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Sony Walkman I burn all my DVD's onto cassette

    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post

    If anything Technolgy makes life just a little bit easier for those apart and for that reason alone I celebrate it.
    Quite right there young Andy.

    The point I was making about having everything in one device is that you risk losing everything should that device be lost/stolen/unrepairable. Now, as a retired DJ, I always kept the audio mixer, amplifiers and cd players as seperate units, so if one should fail, I can get a replacement in place very quickly. If however, the DJ has all of this in one unit, and the equipment decides to go belly up during a gig, everything is lost. I apply the same logic to these all-in-one communication devices.

    Now moving back to the I-phones, the IT person in me says, well, as long as everything is sync'ed or backed up to external sources, the case for IPhones is quite good.

    My Sony Ericsson W610i, being nearly 3 years old is capable of storing and playing music, can handle email via the IMAP protocol quite well, and has calendar functions, etc. It has a strange function where it can make phone calls as well, whats that all about

    It confuses me why people want to upgrade, upgrade their phones all the time, but whatever floats yer boat.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I burn all my DVD's onto cassette
    The sheep been telling you stories again Don't listen to them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ukgangster View Post

    It has a strange function where it can make phone calls as well, whats that all about .
    I have two requirements only for my mobile phone.

    1 - A decent camera function, and my C905 does that impeccably.
    2 - Making calls with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by ukgangster View Post
    It confuses me why people want to upgrade, upgrade their phones all the time, but whatever floats yer boat.
    The only time I upgrade my phone is only when Sony Ericsson bring out a mobile with a better specification camera.

    Anything else like e-mail, web and walk, video calling and whatever else they do, I am not interested in.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by ukgangster View Post
    Quite right there young Andy.

    The point I was making about having everything in one device is that you risk losing everything should that device be lost/stolen/unrepairable. Now, as a retired DJ, I always kept the audio mixer, amplifiers and cd players as seperate units, so if one should fail, I can get a replacement in place very quickly. If however, the DJ has all of this in one unit, and the equipment decides to go belly up during a gig, everything is lost. I apply the same logic to these all-in-one communication devices.

    Now moving back to the I-phones, the IT person in me says, well, as long as everything is sync'ed or backed up to external sources, the case for IPhones is quite good.

    My Sony Ericsson W610i, being nearly 3 years old is capable of storing and playing music, can handle email via the IMAP protocol quite well, and has calendar functions, etc. It has a strange function where it can make phone calls as well, whats that all about

    It confuses me why people want to upgrade, upgrade their phones all the time, but whatever floats yer boat.
    Thats why like your pc you should always back up.
    I doubt my wife even realises but her calendar when she uses is sync to her pc via a cloud. She backs up her photos and often has twitpiced or sent off to ovi or another photo storage site. So she could lose the days snaps but that would happen if something happened to your camera digtal or film.
    The music is all synced so unless a mate sents a choon to her blue tooth before she resyncs then its still there and of course if the friend sent it via email there is a back up there.

    Most people would keep their mp3, camera, organiser on them so if robbed or bag lost or fell in the river well they would lose the lot anyway.
    Plus the Wife simply is not going to lug round one of each, but she carries two phones her skpye phone and nokia quite often

    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Sony Walkman I burn all my DVD's onto cassette
    I remeber recording CD's onto tape as i did not have a portable CD player when younger, now i just stream them via last fm and the other one

    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    I have two requirements only for my mobile phone.

    1 - A decent camera function, and my C905 does that impeccably.
    2 - Making calls with it.

    The only time I upgrade my phone is only when Sony Ericsson bring out a mobile with a better specification camera.

    Anything else like e-mail, web and walk, video calling and whatever else they do, I am not interested in.

    Fair enough, but I upgrade as if you have a pay monthly contract as i do most of the cost is for the phone. So would be daft not to in our case.

    Due to the Wife buying Credit via text message for her calls back to phill and other countries, our provider falls over it self every year to hold on to our two contracts which both make them more than the minimum monthly rental.
    She can pick and choose and get every year a even more free mins, sms etc.
    Same happens on my Phone

    Strangely those in phill seem to love and fully support the yearly contract upgrade
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  30. #30
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Fair enough, but I upgrade as if you have a pay monthly contract as i do most of the cost is for the phone. So would be daft not to in our case.

    Due to the Wife buying Credit via text message for her calls back to phill and other countries, our provider falls over it self every year to hold on to our two contracts which both make them more than the minimum monthly rental.
    She can pick and choose and get every year a even more free mins, sms etc.
    Same happens on my Phone

    Strangely those in phill seem to love and fully support the yearly contract upgrade

    Our O2 phone contracts are renewable yearly, so yearly upgrade of phones!!! yay!

    Old phones can either be sold in ebay or as pasalubongs when we go home to PI

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