This is a 110% scam arthur,I am always surprised how anyone falls for these or "419"s but they still do,lady I know in Pasig,absolute fool,lost over 200,000 pesos,her husband borrowed the money from his mum,he went absolutely ballistic that she could be so stupid,she was contacted through Yahoo by a single guy living in London who wanted her to look after his two kids,he said he could only afford to pay her £3000 a month,and the car she would be able to use wasnt brand new so he was sorry for that blah,blah,blah,cut a long story short,she sent him(Via western union)100,000 pesos to Nigeria(his brother was working there and would handle the fees

)then he phoned again and asked for another 50,000 for administrative purposes

Then again for another 50,000 pesos for the flight,then........etc.......ect.....etc,he milked her dry basically