Quote Originally Posted by Les_lady888 View Post
Just recently, 2 foreigner clients (I'd better not mention nationality so as not to be prejudice over any other ) in 2 different incidents complained over something and both impliedly "mock" Philippine culture.

The first one complained about why I didn't leave my name and number when I called. (tried to call her to inform about the unfunded check which she has to fund by noontime so to avoid more charges to be debited from her account). She wasn't able to take my call but the recipient said she will relay the message to her. (Of course, I didn't tell the recipient my purpose of calling but requested that the client to come or call the bank (told her the bank's name and branch) before noon that day. The client failed to fund the check.

So the following day, the client came to bank and complained about the charges and also mocked Phil. culture. She told me that in the US (oh alright nationality divulged now ), the bank personnel will always leave the name and number of the caller...and she kept on saying it over and over again that it is Phil. culture not to leave one's name and number and that's so ridiculous! I was quite irritated by her arrogance and so I told her that Philippines is a small country with such a resourceful people to scan the phonebook directory to find a number to call....and that she has to have funds in account before issuing checks.

Next client on my next post ok...I still have to cook dinner
Hi Les Lady888...

Sorry about that...

My point of view:

1. Philippine culture has nothing to do with american #1's failure to fund a cheque she released. She's just trying to pass the blame on someone else to give herself an excuse to embarassment. Philippine culture has nothing to do with her own character of being so disorganised.
2. American #2 is badly in need of cash and she thought that pressuring a bank personnel would expedite her transactions. Well she is wrong, isn't she?

I believe you should just accept the fact that some people are not as intelligent as others. Don't get yourself too affected with things like that -- instead just continue what you're doing and just do what you think is best. Don't get criticisms get into you, but instead use them to improve yourself. :-)

Hope you're feeling better now.