Thanks for the advice people. From my point of view I have sent as much evidence as possible - pay slips, P60, mortgage statements, bank statements - all the same sort of stuff I sent for my wifes fiancee visa (which we got granted without interview thankfully). I included a covering letter addressed to my mother-in-law explaining that I will cover all expenses. The only week points are the lack of any meaningful documentation from the Philippines side. I'm expecting to be refused initially but then will go on to appeal. My mother in law still has a husband and one dependant child in the Philippines so maybe that will sway the embassy into thinking that she doesn't intend to stay here (which she doesnt). The main reason for the trip is that it is cheaper to buy one plane ticket for her to come here - rather than two for us to go there. And also I can only take 2 weeks at a time from my job. This way, we provide a nice holiday for a member of the family and get to spend more time together. I put all this in the covering letter with the application form anyway. I think that the application is going to go in next week - so fingers crossed and I will comment back here with news when I have it. I hope it can be helpful for anyone else facing the same sort of issue.