I work for A Japanese company so go there and visit now and then. Also visit many Japanese clients here including the Embassy opposite green park.
Many of our Japanese co workers do work very hard, often meet them from the airport and some will expect to come in to the office direct from the airport rather than go to the Hotel. Im always getting emails late evening or early morning, in fact we had to have company rule about no emails before 6 am. So no need now for a alarm clock as they all come flying though on the phone just after
I have to say although i know a lot of very good and decent Japanese people. Some of the blokes especially the older ones do treat women in a terrible way.
A few Managers when in the UK would never directly speak to a female and we had to ask a senior Japanese to explain politely they couldn't do that here.
The less said about the Japanese female assitants that would be hired after visits to karoake bars in London the better. One former Chairman was always doing it and we had a whole area of the hot desks for these workers to sit in.
Many of the Japanese workers would have them as PA's but also need a English speaking PA as wellBut the Japanese one would stay late and very kindly keep them company as they got a lift home
What is a major difference is a factory manager is held in far more esteem than a person in charge of a Sales company. Same with Engineers in general (im told its the same in Germany).
But I have to say i much prefer working for a Japanese company to a british one the sister companies we have that have been bought and work alongside us are terribly inefficent and frankly incomptent in many areas
Nigel save up and go to Japan with vimvie whatever you do dont try and do onto much of a budget. But i do think the japanese tourist board have a guide to doing on ( a normal persons budget) Japan is very expensive.
worth going to one of the many Japanese travel agencies in London and I think if i recall correctly the Japanese tourist board is in saville row.