Dont worry Soph,its Gloria-day tommorrow

One day Erap is going to give a speech at an Elementary School. He asks
the teacher what the children are studying and she replies that they are
learning about Tragedies. So the President decides to talk about

He asks a student, "What would you consider to be a tragedy?"

The kid thinks for awhile and then says, " If a boy is running after a ball into
a street and gets run over by a car and dies."

Erap responds, "No, I don't think that's a tragedy... that's an accident."

Then Erap asks another kid to give an example of a tragedy. The kid says,
"If a bus full of kids drives over a cliff and they all die."

This time Erap says, "I don't think that's a tragedy... I think that's a great

So again Erap asks another kid to give an example of a tragedy. The kid
responds, "If you're on a air plane and it crashes."

"Right!" says the president to the kid. "That would be a tragedy... how did
you ever know that?"

Quickly, the kid replies, " Because I know it's not an accident and I know it's
not a great loss."