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Thread: ILR application need advice

  1. #1
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    ILR application need advice

    hi to all... am new here and have been reading some of the post and need some answer to my queries... hope you can help me.

    about myself, am here in uk with a spouse visa and it will end by september, am not working ( i tried to apply for jobs but unfortunately i get a reply that the job is taken) , my husband is on benefits, we have no children, we have a little savings.

    will it affect my ILR application that we are on housing and council tax benefits? (my husband is receiving pension guaranteed credit, he claims housing and council tax benefits and when i arrive here in uk we inform the council, they ask for my passport and NI number, and after a few days we get a letter that they adjusted the council tax to no more 25% discount as to the change of his circumstances)

    do we need to be out of council tax benefit or we just pay the difference (25%) of his previous claim?

    is it true that i can avail of the free dentist treatment as am a wife of a person receiving pension guaranteed credit?

    am really confuse and nervous about my ILR application. i dont want it to fail and leave him here as he is diabetic.

    thanks for reading my post. hope to hear from you soon.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum

    Regarding your queries im not really an expert about it. You may phone the CAB or HO about it.

    Will wait for JOE or DArren for their inputs

  3. #3
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    thanks for the welcome ann.

    i hope this forum will help enlighten me as to what i need to do.

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simplyxiao View Post
    hi to all... am new here and have been reading some of the post and need some answer to my queries... hope you can help me.

    about myself, am here in uk with a spouse visa and it will end by september, am not working ( i tried to apply for jobs but unfortunately i get a reply that the job is taken) , my husband is on benefits, we have no children, we have a little savings.

    will it affect my ILR application that we are on housing and council tax benefits? (my husband is receiving pension guaranteed credit, he claims housing and council tax benefits and when i arrive here in uk we inform the council, they ask for my passport and NI number, and after a few days we get a letter that they adjusted the council tax to no more 25% discount as to the change of his circumstances)

    do we need to be out of council tax benefit or we just pay the difference (25%) of his previous claim?

    is it true that i can avail of the free dentist treatment as am a wife of a person receiving pension guaranteed credit?

    am really confuse and nervous about my ILR application. i dont want it to fail and leave him here as he is diabetic.

    thanks for reading my post. hope to hear from you soon.
    Good Morning, and Welcome.

    I would dearly like to answer your queries. However, my wife and I are in much the same "boat" as you and your husband - except that Myrna is not eligible to apply for her ILR for another two years, having only arrived here in March. Like your husband, I am in receipt of Guaranteed Pension Credit, being over the age of sixty. As well as an appropriate reduction in my Council Tax, this entitles ME to *free dental treatment, but I'm not sure if *it applies to my wife. I've always been meaning to find out, but just haven't got around to doing so yet ... THIS, and various other things too!!

    Everything seems so complicated at the moment, and I just feel I'd like to give Myrna time to get fully settled first. One thing I DO know for sure, though, is that upon MY reaching the age of 65 in September, I'll only be able to claim a Single Man's State Pension.

    I'm glad you've raised these issues, because maybe someone on the forum will be able to offer their expertise in answering the questions that affect both of you AND us. Hopefully, anyway!

  5. #5
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    When it comes to benefits the key points are that non-British spouse is not entitled to any benefits out of by public funds, and that the British spouse shouldn't claim any more then they previously were entitled to. So assuming the dental fees are being paid for out of public funds I wouldn't risk it myself.

    I know council tax payments have caused people problems before eg both a couple who continued to claim a single person discount after the non-British spouse moved in and a couple who lived with a relative who didn't have to pay council tax both got called in for interviews when they applied for ILR. If you are paying less than 75% of the full rate (the minimum a single person living in the UK not claiming benefits should be paying) then I would definately check with the UKBA.

  6. #6
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    thank you for ur replies....

    we went to CAB and ask about this and show the letter from the council which is address to my husband. she asked me if am working at the moment and i said no. she said that its fine as am not the one claiming it and my husband is entitled to it. as long as we inform the council of my existence with him and the council approve his claim it doesnt jeopardise me.

    looking for another opinion we went to IAS in london and ask about it, they said that its fine as its my husband claiming it and its not in my name. when i fill up the form to put no as its not me claiming it.

    am not paying anything cause when i arrive here, we went to PA to inform the council about the change in circumstance of my husband from single to married and submitted my passport and NI.They just told us that when i get a job i should inform them. After few days we got a reply from the council that everything is sorted.

    am still nervous and dont even know how we apply. is it better to do it in person or by post?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by simplyxiao View Post
    hi to all... am new here and have been reading some of the post and need some answer to my queries... hope you can help me.

    about myself, am here in uk with a spouse visa and it will end by september, am not working ( i tried to apply for jobs but unfortunately i get a reply that the job is taken) , my husband is on benefits, we have no children, we have a little savings.

    will it affect my ILR application that we are on housing and council tax benefits? (my husband is receiving pension guaranteed credit, he claims housing and council tax benefits and when i arrive here in uk we inform the council, they ask for my passport and NI number, and after a few days we get a letter that they adjusted the council tax to no more 25% discount as to the change of his circumstances)

    do we need to be out of council tax benefit or we just pay the difference (25%) of his previous claim?

    is it true that i can avail of the free dentist treatment as am a wife of a person receiving pension guaranteed credit?

    am really confuse and nervous about my ILR application. i dont want it to fail and leave him here as he is diabetic.

    thanks for reading my post. hope to hear from you soon.
    Losing the single person Council tax discount would be normal, not sure what you mean about council tax benefits, the single person discount is not a benefit as such, as it's not means tested.

    Sadly I don't know much about the benefits system these days and I don't know about your rights as a wife of a person receiving pension guaranteed credit.

    I would suspect that your ILR application would not be dependant on these issues but I really don't know.

    I too am very glad you have raised these questions as Arthur says maybe someone will come along that knows the answers

  8. #8
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    hello simple xiao

    Quote Originally Posted by simplyxiao View Post
    hi to all... am new here and have been reading some of the post and need some answer to my queries... hope you can help me.

    about myself, am here in uk with a spouse visa and it will end by september, am not working ( i tried to apply for jobs but unfortunately i get a reply that the job is taken) , my husband is on benefits, we have no children, we have a little savings.

    will it affect my ILR application that we are on housing and council tax benefits? (my husband is receiving pension guaranteed credit, he claims housing and council tax benefits and when i arrive here in uk we inform the council, they ask for my passport and NI number, and after a few days we get a letter that they adjusted the council tax to no more 25% discount as to the change of his circumstances)

    do we need to be out of council tax benefit or we just pay the difference (25%) of his previous claim?

    is it true that i can avail of the free dentist treatment as am a wife of a person receiving pension guaranteed credit?

    am really confuse and nervous about my ILR application. i dont want it to fail and leave him here as he is diabetic.

    thanks for reading my post. hope to hear from you soon.
    last time im so very worry about mine coz my husband had no job and we are on working tax credit ,hes on jobseeker,and i had only partime job i really worry but when we apply already in glasgow in person last july ist week im granted coz my husband is legible or thats there benefit like your husband,so not to worry to much pet, x good luck

  9. #9
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    hi all. am happy to tell everyone that i got my ILR approve just today. i applied in person and we got it right away with no questions ask. Thanks for ur help

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by simplyxiao View Post
    hi all. am happy to tell everyone that i got my ILR approve just today. i applied in person and we got it right away with no questions ask. Thanks for ur help
    Good news! That's the advantage on applying one day personal application. You'll know the result right after.

  11. #11
    Respected Member girl england's Avatar
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    Congrats and well done
    No worries anymore

  12. #12
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    yes no more worries

    thanks to all. hope that my experience will help others too.

  13. #13
    Respected Member Ana_may365's Avatar
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    did u ring them first b4 u going there?as i want to apply in personal when we comeback on nov.6.i try to ring them hundreds times to make an appointment but im not lucky.

  14. #14
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ana_may365 View Post
    did u ring them first b4 u going there?as i want to apply in personal when we comeback on nov.6.i try to ring them hundreds times to make an appointment but im not lucky.
    hi ana you need to make an appointment to them if you want to go in person
    all things are possible!

  15. #15
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    yup i ring them first, try to ring 9-10am uk time. u can try the online booking now its available on the home office website.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by simplyxiao View Post
    hi to all... am new here and have been reading some of the post and need some answer to my queries... hope you can help me.

    about myself, am here in uk with a spouse visa and it will end by september, am not working ( i tried to apply for jobs but unfortunately i get a reply that the job is taken) , my husband is on benefits, we have no children, we have a little savings.

    will it affect my ILR application that we are on housing and council tax benefits? (my husband is receiving pension guaranteed credit, he claims housing and council tax benefits and when i arrive here in uk we inform the council, they ask for my passport and NI number, and after a few days we get a letter that they adjusted the council tax to no more 25% discount as to the change of his circumstances)

    do we need to be out of council tax benefit or we just pay the difference (25%) of his previous claim?

    is it true that i can avail of the free dentist treatment as am a wife of a person receiving pension guaranteed credit?

    am really confuse and nervous about my ILR application. i dont want it to fail and leave him here as he is diabetic.

    thanks for reading my post. hope to hear from you soon.
    welcome ..only input i can give is relating to 25% discount

    no more 25% because 25% is applicable when there is only one person lives in the property whether he/she is married or single.
    If it's not life threatening IGNORE it .. .

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