Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
The Wife has seen and heard of some of the gossip. Luckily she normally chats to phills either who have been here a while and have blended in to UK society or simply people she gets on with regardless of background.

One remark my Wife heard from a 20 something girl whose parents came over from phill a long time ago. Was hey i cant belive you grew up in Phill.
I asked "what did she mean by that"? My Wife replied, "oh that I didn't expect her to speak tagalog or ask her about what church she goes to" or of course all the other questions that seem to be asked.
They just chatted as most young women do Shoes,shoes, shoes, bags,bags, clothes, clothes, make up blah blah

My Wife has only later sometimes told me of the conversations that she has had with ladies we have bumped into in the street. Many are of course just polite. But some have asked very personal questions or made very frank comments

On here I often here Women desperately looking for phill friends which i fully understand but please do go in with your eyes closed.

The first day my Wife came here we went to a "asian foods" store which turned out to be run by a Brit pinay couple. The guy was really welcoming to her and offered us invites to a large party in the area. We never did get the tickets or go as we never followed it up.

We are glad as time passing told us that the lady and her customers in the shop seemed to dabble in a lot of gossip. Thankfully another pinay who was a nurse advised her to just be polite and not get involved in deep conversation But with my Wife being only 21 when she got here to have suddenly found herself being possibly gossiped and debated about by much older and settled ladies would have been very painful.

we also by now were going to a phill store just up the road where the lovely phill couple who had been here for years treat my Wife and I both as good friends but have always looked after my Wife
The only Conversation about other people or couples is always postive or just kindly The Lady in the shop also even helped sign my Wifes driving provisonal application

I do belive apart from the universal gossiping and possible phill traits. A lot is now to some being stuck in small groups in which they would never choose back home.

From what I have seen I would advise the ladies its better to have far fewer friends from phill but ones who you care about and care for you than to be surrounded by pinays just because your the only ones in your area.

Do also go in with your eyes wide open. Think why is this person being so nice? One pinay befriended my Wife and was so charming to her, then luckily another pinay who the Wife knew who had a Brit husband said be careful if she starts to ask to borrow things DON'T.
This did happen and it turned out this Pinay was a tad unhinged luckily I was able to help the Wife and swapped her number and blocked her emails.

It does seem that an unspoken issue in this country is how many people who have for whatever reason moved to this country. Suffer often from issues due to homesickness, being lonely, not being able to feel comfortable in the Uk. Many are lucky and snap out of it but some dont and exhibit some very strange behaviour I have noticed.

Yep, it's really sad that these things do happen even if they already have left the country. Filipinos miss their own country, their own fellowmen, their families and all but the reality thing is, no matter where they go, they will always be "Filipinos" (if you know what I mean...)

I think the best thing is, avoid familiarity.