Tsismis and chikka are for those walang magawa sa buhay. For me the most important is making money than tsismis. Pagkakaperahan ika nga. I really have no time for that as I work 10 hrs/day and my weekends is for my hubby touring around.
All of us might be a victim of backstabbing. It depends on us how you handle and deal with it. Definitely not my weakness as you can still see my million dollar smile when we meet. I love to smile. I love to be close with my friends and most especially with enemies. As a saying goes, be close to your friends, be more close to your enemies.
Just smile and don't take it seriously if you want to look younger. I have seen some people in their 30's with wrinkles already. They are so serious with being lonely and bored.
Even though I call you lot for everything to the missus![]()
Keith - Administrator
Huh! what a thread!..
Tsismis, chika,gossips are somehow related to each other. They are just done when two or more people are talking abt someone else's life. It is bad to one's ear if they're talking abt the negative side of that person but if it's about the good side, does it fall to any of these categories?
Back-biting and back-stabbing are definitely has more weight than the ones above. These two can be done to a person who didn't do anything wrong to them. If the 3rd person's life or whereabouts is being talked about by two or more and this 3rd person doesn't have anything to do with these two, she doesn't talk to them, haven't met yet, no connection whatsoever but she is being talked about.. Does it fall to any of these categories?
I suppose this happens to everyone of us in one way or another. It is just but natural to be upset and angry when you are being talked about by people you don't even know. What category shall this one fall under?
" The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "
i think that at one point or another everyone is guilty of chismiseven men... my husband tells me stories of things that hubbys talk about while the wives are doing karaoke... not bad things but funny ones that dont really mean anything... my point is men talk too! and as for the others who voted not guilty, come on... think back in uni, with friends?? a passing conversation with a friend in town..? something that we might have made kwento to relatives at home..?
i just cant believe that theres one person thats not guilty![]()
God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.
14 not guiltys
only 6 guiltys
maybe a poll on do we lie??
i have learnt to do what my wife says!
i couldnt comment until proven guilty!!
i have learnt to do what my wife says!
A guilty conscience needs no accuser!!
" The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "
It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good to check up once in a while to make sure you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.
I'm naughty. Hubby told me off coz i voted Not GuiltyBut i ask my family what's the chikka every time i call them.
all of us are guilty... been involved in chismis... or was a bearer of chismis at one point in our lives.. those who said that they aren't guilty are perhaps God's angels on earth... heck! even angels are guilty of chismis.. story of the fallen angel eh?
GUILTY, your honor. I can't bear playing goody when I'm not. LOL... i'm bad!
Yep, hehehe I'm guilty too! as we do not want to be lost in the circulation, do we?
oH YEAH...I can clearly remember those times,
I was bullied by mean girls huhuhu
hehe... But surprisingly the NOT GUILTY is still leading!!!
Definitely! we all want to grow old gracefully.
hehe, yep that's considered TSISMIS!!
Hehehe, that's what I thought tooCome on guys hehe be real!! lol...
Yep, they do! They just don't want to admit it sometimes hahaha
Yep, haha maybe it is a Kabalen thing... lol... (save us all from shame)Nah, everyone is GUILTY whether they admit it or not hahaha
Yay! lol, Nice one Judy
There is not one single person in this earth who has not been guilty of the subject raised in one form of another, hmm
Gossip is usually a private conversation with a conspiratorial tone that happens between two people, then it spreads and becomes malicious...
Multi-Quote has just been near meltdown!![]()
Keith - Administrator
I could honestly say ..
I am guilty here..if we based it since our younger age..
But the good thing is, as you mature, you learn from being one
You mellowed down and eventually be not judgemental and objective and treat everybody and every situation like if you were in their shoes and you will realized how it feels to be the one backstabbed, or being gossiped..
"Honesty is probably the sexiest and the priceless thing man can give a woman"
It would be hypocrISY for me if I'd say not guilty as gossiping is a woman's thing so, GUILTY AS CHARGED!
The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl
guilty...... as social creatures...i do talk about others but not to the extent of creating harm to other persons
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