The passing of Michael Jackson has filled me with great sadness like so many whose lives he touched.

Much rumour, lack of understanding and negative targeting occurred throughout the last few years of his life. It is most unfortunate that so many rely on newspapers and magazines as their information sources. Anyone who has had experience of the popular media knows first hand that they are unreliable and only a very small portion bears any resemblance to the truth.

Many think that the old adage that 'there is no smoke without fire', holds true. We should be very wary of that belief. I remember someone with a legal background saying,"I could make Mother Teresa appear to be a child molester without telling a single lie".

Michael Jackson surely made many mistakes. Noone disputes that. Particularly, that someone with his particular background could indulge his childlike tendencies without massive criticism. I totally do not believe that Michael Jackson bore any intent to do anything remotely related to a sexual assault. Some who have no experience of how litigious American society is will say, "so why did he settle?". He settled on that case and others of varying types just as many celebs do. They have to get on with their lives and fight court cases damages their reputations, consumes time and financial resources, etc.

No other entertainer has touched the lives of so many people on a global level as Michael Jackson. Elvis and The Beatles achieved so much but don't come close to the global, cross cultural and multiple-genre impact of Michael Jackson.

People love Michael Jackson - he never had a spiteful bone in his body. that often caused people to ridicule him.

As I grew up, Michael Jackson featured heavily in my social scene, my personal aspirations and my feelings of acceptability. Only those who share similar experiences will be able to relate to this I suspect.

Anyway, for me and millions around the world, and contrary to what most of the media try to portray as fact, what will stand the test of time will be the fantastic music brought to our lives, the barriers he broke down and the wonderful charitable acts performed by the greatest entertainer the world has ever known.

His achievements far outweigh his shortcomings.

Michael Jackson - rest in perfect peace. You will be missed.
