I get sick of constantly seeing the police get away with speeding

Never heard of a policeman losing his job due to collecting so many speeding points while on the job. .....and yet the amount of time they overtake me when I'm doing 75 (which is actually 70 in this country as your speedo is set around 10% out...as it is in Spain as well).

Well again that's a case of seeing from the outside rather than the other side. I have known personally know some officers and have known of others who have been removed from driving duties in minor cases (where you might have been given a verbal warning or cautioned) and in more serious cases have lost their jobs. I agree they are unlikely to lose their jobs by collecting to many points: as by that time they would no longer be police officers.

As for driving faster than you. Class 1 police drivers are highly trained with frequent fresher courses, and believe they are very good drivers. The accident rate amongst them is something like 1 per 100,000 miles. The Ordinary cops have more accidents as they have similar abilities and training just you and me.

PS Speedometers are not SET to be 10% inaccurate, that is, or was (may be it has been changed since my time) allowed by most officers as a permitted margin of error. The error could mean that when you are showing 70 you are doing 77 or 63. If you are showing 75 that could mean 84mph. I think it's less expensive to stick to 70 on your speedo , but from my driving experience I tend to drive about 15% under the set limit when the conditions are really good and well under at other times. I also keep to the nearside except when overtaking, unlike many 'faster' drivers.

PPS I can't say what cops do in other countries but I know in most countries, just like UK, people just love to find fault with them except when they need help and then it's usually the police they turn to, but that's life.