Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
Whilst I was in a very small town in the north of Cebu island I went into an internet cafe. Internet Cafe's are everywhere in the Phils, even the smallest village.
This one had curtains separating the customers, a very private affair.
Draw your own conclusions.......

My wife tells me scammers were in there all the time when she was there!

A few years back we had to travel though the Missus local town at silly oclock in the morning and we stopped popped in to a Intenet cafe for some reason. Plenty of people in it a few women but many blokes I could pick up a few convos going on in english with fairly high pitched voices for phill blokes

As mentioned there is software which can alter the voice on pc's....

Plenty of those who came in and out seemed well dressed and had a nice mobile..