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Thread: hi i need soem advice about spuse visa app.

  1. #1
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    hi i need soem advice about spuse visa app.

    my wife has just applied for the spouse visa last week and we have provided all the documents they would require , unfortunately my job has just become redundant and my new 1 doesnt start till the begining of august , i will recive redundency money and a months wage but my concerns are that the visa will contact my job , find out i am now redundant and refuse the visa :(( i want to cry

    please can anyone tell me if the visa will contact my employer ??

    please reply asap if anyone knows ,

    they have all my wage slips , my bank statements , p45's , work contract ext , is this enough proof for them or will they contact my employers ?

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    they perform random checks or checks when something looks suspicious,

    so there is only a small chance they would contact your employer, also it will probably be 2 months before anyone even looks at you app , so you'll be in your new job by then.. so if they do a check, you can give them your new employers details, or if your the worrying type, when you start your new job, get your wife to contact the embassy with your new employment details,,

    but if i was you, i wouldn't bother at all, i'v e been thru this, didn't have a problem

    oh forgot to mention, ive applied for a few visas over the years, and i know my employers have never been contacted, as i've asked them each time

  3. #3
    Respected Member rayofLight's Avatar
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    thanx for the post JOEBLOGGs.....coz thats what my situation fiancee got a new job...and our papers are still in the happy to hear it from worries me...about the fiancee got his new job on the nxt day he resigned on his old job////thanx.....

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rayofLight View Post
    thanx for the post JOEBLOGGs.....coz thats what my situation fiancee got a new job...and our papers are still in the happy to hear it from worries me...about the fiancee got his new job on the nxt day he resigned on his old job////thanx.....
    the embassy will make a decision on the evidence you have supplied (payslips,p45, bank statements, contract of employment), so if they did contact your ex-employer, i'm sure your ex-employer will confirm you did work there.

    but if you want peace of mind, contact the embassy and tell them you have just changed jobs. but like i said they hardly ever contact employers anyway (especially with the 7+hrs time difference makes it nearly impossible)

  5. #5
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    i think due to the 7 hour time diff. they request an employes email addy, and this maybe also the reason why the visa app takes so long too ....

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by meandwifey View Post
    and this maybe also the reason why the visa app takes so long too ....
    because they use the visa apps as book ends and to swat flies

    the main reason for it taking sooo long for most people is 'local checks' meaning, we can't be , funny when they told my misses that for nearly 13wks, i complained and she got the visa the next day

  7. #7
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    talking of visa app.

    the same day anne applied, they text her to say they had reviewed our papers and said they were sending them to brit. ambassy on the 7th ( we applied on friday the 3rd ) is this quick ? is this a sign our papers are in perfect order and we can hope to get a very quick process ? ( 1 month ) i really hope so cos i cant bare to be apart from the woman i love for much longer , we have been married for 4 months now and have had to wait long enough for marraige cert. passport name change ext , im just so glad that finally the visa app has been put in and am so looking forward to her arriving here so we can spend a long happy life together

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    the main reason for it taking sooo long for most people is 'local checks' :
    local checks?

    maybe i can speed things up by cutting them a check

  9. #9
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by meandwifey View Post
    talking of visa app.
    the same day anne applied, they text her to say they had reviewed our papers and said they were sending them to brit. ambassy on the 7th ( we applied on friday the 3rd ) is this quick ? is this a sign our papers are in perfect order and we can hope to get a very quick process ?
    I will have to disappoint you a little bit - sorry - but these texts are sent by VFS when they forward your app to the Embassy....
    Another text you'll get at the end when your wifes visa has been processed - saying something like "your visa app has been processed and document sent back to you"...
    Good luck to your application, just brace yourself for long wait...
    When my mahal submitted her app we thought it is going to take just some 4 or 6 weeks - we couldn't be more wrong - now we are on 11th week of waiting and not alone if you've seen this thread Another batch of members... awwwww
    Jiri & Maricel

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