Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
Feelings of insecurity, and a very large dose of homesickness will cause these symptoms....

I would sit down and have a heart to heart and see if this is what she really wants.

It is no good finding out after the fact, all the loving reassurances in the world will not be enough to stop that behaviour.

I personally think that, secretly, she wants to go back home.

I dearly hope I am wrong with this assumption.

I wish you all the best of luck.
you can never tell what goes on in a womans mind?

Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
Wowowow, I love to comment here hehehe, although a long post, I manage to read it all, Ok even I am in your fiancee situation I will feel the same, been here also for 4 months or so, never never he went out all by his self who ever call him either the Boss, a friend, his mother, who everrrr alright? He always bring me where ever he go, but not in working job/time and that I make sense why your fiancee is grumpy, tampo, sulking. My husband prove to me everything not to get insecure and he keep telling me that I am his priority in his life, he never have fun/good time w/ collegue all by his self, that I can say straight forward to you.

We are apart from our family deciding to live to fiancee here in the UK is a big decision for us. So dont let us leave alone in the house while your having good time w/ your friends.
That dinner also, why you didnt bring her, you suppose to bring her you know, hubby had dinner metting also, but he make sure that if his friends didn't allow me to be there, he wont attend the dinner, you see?
Anyhow, that was my opinion and feeling at the same time, I dont blame her to be honest. Good luck
As what Mod say, sit down and speak to her heart to heart for sure she will bring it out to you, its just so happen I am talkative the reason my husband know what I am sulking about if I am not in the mood, I told him why.
i have to agree,you need to include her with everything you do? but you have already said you that already!

Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
To be expected...........
is mrsM a chatterbox?

hi and welcome btw!

due to my wifes past she was very jealous and a lot like your lady but how do you solve it?

my wife would question me and suspect me of anthing connected with other women like do i chat to others,do i have a female boss,do i think of others and pressure me until im going completely nuts also constantly ask me if i love her as if the first second im not with her in going to jump into bed with another woman?(if only ).

i told her that everytime she says stuff to me like that she hurts me! why?

because why will i spend so much time and do all i am with her and wanting to marry her,if all i want is to meet lots of women and have sex with them! and look how easy it is to go to the philipines to meet women so why will i bother with her?

there was a time my wife will get very jealous,pikon and tampo at me,at first she would have me on my knees begging her for her forgiveness,this would happen far to often until one day i told her straight put up or shut up in which the arguments got worse.i never gave in to her again then one day she said thats your opinion i will have to live with it!

i can even tease my wife whenever i see a goodlooking woman,even a ugly woman saying look at the butt on her shes so sexy? and my wife doesnt even react

but you have to reassure her all the time,get her involved in the wedding and all the plans so she knows everything whats going on!,does she chat to her family back home?