Well I must say, the girl I had asked me for money a year ago when we met, and I should have gone by FH website rules, and reported her, tho was only a small amount at first

It seems that she was playing me for a whole year, and scamming me, tho we did see each other on 3 seperate visits, and were in love, or so i thought.
That's what I get for wearing my heart on my sleeve. Lol
The gifts, and money I sent amounted to quite alot over the year, and we did argue quite alot obout things over that time, so maybe is partly my fault that she also cheated on me, and was contacting men on FH from here, and the US.
All this by her admission when I got the truth out of her.
She was so pretty, and so nice(at times when she wanted something)!!
So, I got scammed too, and will get over it!!!
Still, i'm travelling as planned, and have met someone real nice, and appears genuine, not asking me for anything, lots of communication, phone/cam, and we even seem to have lots in common, tho from different cultures!!!!!!!
I have my head more firmly on my shoulders now, and will be real careful.
One thing for sure, is that we cannot tar all Filipina Girls with the same brush.
I must stress this point!!
There are good, and bad in all races
Lets hope the future is better, as I will go there with an open mind, and see what happens, but one thing for sure is that I won't ever be taken in again!!!!
Happy days