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Thread: Skype phone on 3 costs nothing a month!

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  1. #1
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Skype phone on 3 costs nothing a month!

    Just in case your not aware skype is now free on three. No monthly top up nothing. So for the price of the phone to be charged every other day or so. The Wife has free skype calls anywhere she can get a 3 mobile signal.

    Also you can send off for free PAYG sim cards so if you have an old 3 phone skype capable mobile sitting in a cupboard etc. You maybe lucky

    Im also looking in to where it says which 3 mobiles come with skype on 3 it offers you the chance to download a link for some models. As three have a statment on their site saying soon many 3g enabled unlocked non 3 phones will soon be able to use the service.

    Warning not all phones are able to use this service and i strongly advise you read though the website and check and then double check.

    You can both skype message and talk.

    The old cost used to be on PAYG 10 pounds a month to give you access to the skype option so a saving of120 pounds is possible. Of course it means the mobile can not be used for normal calls, sms etc you would need to load some credit on.
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  2. #2
    Respected Member estherboaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Just in case your not aware skype is now free on three. No monthly top up nothing. So for the price of the phone to be charged every other day or so. The Wife has free skype calls anywhere she can get a 3 mobile signal.

    Also you can send off for free PAYG sim cards so if you have an old 3 phone skype capable mobile sitting in a cupboard etc. You maybe lucky

    Im also looking in to where it says which 3 mobiles come with skype on 3 it offers you the chance to download a link for some models. As three have a statment on their site saying soon many 3g enabled unlocked non 3 phones will soon be able to use the service.

    Warning not all phones are able to use this service and i strongly advise you read though the website and check and then double check.

    You can both skype message and talk.

    The old cost used to be on PAYG 10 pounds a month to give you access to the skype option so a saving of120 pounds is possible. Of course it means the mobile can not be used for normal calls, sms etc you would need to load some credit on.
    coz im using 3

  3. #3

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    I've got a couple of 3 LG KF310 mobile phones floating around (mum is on 3 network and for some bizarre reason they sent her 2 LG 3 mobiles when it came to contract renewal time - they told to keep them as spare) problem is I can't get hold of any the free payg 3 sims - I've filled in the online form to get free sims on the 3 website, but nothing - anyone got some spare 3 payg sims lying around? Not sure if the KF310 has Skype abilities - can't check as I dont have a 3 sim.


    It does have Skype, just done a Google, but theres no mention of it in the instruction manual, so maybe its a download...Elsa and Ping will be pleased!

  4. #4
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ukgangster View Post
    I've got a couple of 3 LG KF310 mobile phones floating around (mum is on 3 network and for some bizarre reason they sent her 2 LG 3 mobiles when it came to contract renewal time - they told to keep them as spare) problem is I can't get hold of any the free payg 3 sims - I've filled in the online form to get free sims on the 3 website, but nothing - anyone got some spare 3 payg sims lying around? Not sure if the KF310 has Skype abilities - can't check as I dont have a 3 sim.


    It does have Skype, just done a Google, but theres no mention of it in the instruction manual, so maybe its a download...Elsa and Ping will be pleased!

    The Sims do take some time to come or prehaps lost in the system?

    SIr you go to the link

    In the blue box with mange your account click on

    which 3 mobiles come with skype on 3

    as you say it mentions the phone you have and once you get a three sim it will text you a link.

    I dont know how well it works so google may well be your friend.

    As you say many of the ladies in this country may find it useful to chat and message via phone with all the ladies on here for free

    So far the phone has to be a model on the list three has on the link above

    set to use 3g (many people switch off as if they dont use its a waste of battery life)

    It also has to be either a three phone or unlocked.

    You can get phones on 3 already set up for skype and off course no ongoing fees if only to use for skype.

    Very important do check the coverage in your area it can vary between the different providers

    If anyone knows more im sure people will be grateful.

    Hopefully we can seriously reduce some phone bills and help people gossip
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  5. #5
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ukgangster View Post
    ...Elsa and Ping will be pleased!
    Is this Mod Rob? A new account? Were you banned too?
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  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by empott View Post
    Is this Mod Rob? A new account? Were you banned too?
    Yep, I banned myself, so now I'm back and I'm a bad gangster.

  7. #7
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ukgangster View Post
    Yep, I banned myself, so now I'm back and I'm a bad gangster.
    2 accounts! you're banned!
    Now I'm scared. Just kidding, Mod.
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  8. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by empott View Post
    2 accounts! you're banned!
    Now I'm scared. Just kidding, Mod.
    2 accounts? Thats nothing, I know some (ex)members on here who had 3 or 4 accounts at the same time.

  9. #9
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    I have chat with Skype staff thru their support chat online because I want to be sure it will work in Pinas. He said, Pay as You go will not work so I need to buy the 3G contract which is about 15 £/ mo in 6 months.

    I got 1 free sim.

    I am dreaming to own Nokia N97 which is really the most fabulous but it cost 35 £ in 18 mos. Still thinking if that is luxury or necessity This will be my first bill ever in the UK

  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I've been using Skype on wifi on my phone for free for over a year But 3 are the first to do it over the mobilr network, so I guess I can use Skype from the laptop now for free as it has mobile 3 broadband
    Keith - Administrator

  11. #11
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    These things never turn out to be completely free though... I'm sure will want payment of some kind...

    Surely the skype phone will only work if you get an internet connection from 3? Which 3 will charge a monthly fee for?

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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I've been using Skype on wifi on my phone for free for over a year But 3 are the first to do it over the mobilr network, so I guess I can use Skype from the laptop now for free as it has mobile 3 broadband

    Dont know about that you would need to look it up the skype phones dont use a data link its a voice call and sms they use a different system to get the single to three who then turn it into a skypevoip call.

    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    These things never turn out to be completely free though... I'm sure will want payment of some kind...

    Surely the skype phone will only work if you get an internet connection from 3? Which 3 will charge a monthly fee for?

    Well 3 do like their gimmicks i guess they working on the fact most people will want to use the phone as a normal phone or use data as well as for the skype function. Like most people get the free mins, phones etc they count on you spending above the minimum to make money. Thats why when going to renew your contract if you didn't spend any more than your monthly line rental most times they will not offer you a great deal to stay. In some cases they almost push you away It does not use the internet of it does now you dont need an internet connection.

    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    I have chat with Skype staff thru their support chat online because I want to be sure it will work in Pinas. He said, Pay as You go will not work so I need to buy the 3G contract which is about 15 £/ mo in 6 months.

    I got 1 free sim.

    I am dreaming to own Nokia N97 which is really the most fabulous but it cost 35 £ in 18 mos. Still thinking if that is luxury or necessity This will be my first bill ever in the UK
    The special skype function on a mobile will not work in phill, only in countries where 3 mobile are (hong kong is one i belive, along with italy, austrailia)

    Again thats how they will make there money tempting people and then selling them something.
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    The special skype function on a mobile will not work in phill, only in countries where 3 mobile are (hong kong is one i belive, along with italy, austrailia)
    Not sure it will work in the other countries where 3 mobile are now as 3 stopped their "Like home" service last month. It's a shame they stopped it as we have used it in the past in both Italy and Hong Kong.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    Not sure it will work in the other countries where 3 mobile are now as 3 stopped their "Like home" service last month. It's a shame they stopped it as we have used it in the past in both Italy and Hong Kong.

    Will soon know the wifes mums out in italia. On the italian 3 website they offer the same promotion so even for the cost of a payg sim it's not bad.

    But even if the phone never leaves your house many I know were saving a fortune when paying ten quid let alone paying nothing. For many who didn't wanna use 3 for their contract phone due to the bad customer service like us it was a pain in the to pay a tenner extra.

    Far cheaper than leaving a pc on all the time.

    Just read this on the skpye site so not sure how up to date it is

    3 Skypephone Terms
    Available from 3 to new approved customers who purchase a 3 Skypephone and register on selected 3 monthly or pre-paid price plans, subject to minimum contract and regular top-up. Free calls are Skype-to-Skype calls and Skype instant chat messages only from the 3 network or while roaming on a 3 sister network. Fair use policy and terms apply. Visit the 3 website in your country for details.

    As no longer need top ups it maybe out of date but the UK one still mentions top up possibly to trip some people up into buying them?
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  15. #15
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Unless its changed the skpye that three offer for free is sent via normal voice circuit switched gsm so does not require you to use the internet i belive.

    Well thats what i was led to belive when it first came out.

    Basically the voice calls are a normal phone call and the msgs are sent as text messages.

    Then at 3 they are converted into the skype you know and love and viceversa for incoming calls and messages.

    The software is iskoot which on the skpyephones you see a splash screen for

    I repeat we are using two orignal 3 skype phones with no credit on them what so ever and getting skype voice and msgs in and out.

    We would need to pay extra for normal everyday gsm voice, sms data etc, which we dont intend to do
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  16. #16

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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    I repeat we are using two orignal 3 skype phones with no credit on them what so ever and getting skype voice and msgs in and out.

    We would need to pay extra for normally voice, sms data etc, which we dont intend to do
    Elsa and Ping have already had about 3 hours of conversation via Skype in just 4 days on our LG phone. What the heck do they chat about I'll never know.

    I notice 3 are sending loads of promo text messages - one of them even offered £10 if you port your mobile number over to them, seems like a good idea - Skype/Windows messenger and mobile phone all in one. In fact 3 seem to have the best signal of the lot where I am (though only 3g will work in Aberystwyth 5 miles away)

    Skype on 3 uses normal voice cicuit switched gsm as you say.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by ukgangster View Post
    Elsa and Ping have already had about 3 hours of conversation via Skype in just 4 days on our LG phone. What the heck do they chat about I'll never know.

    I notice 3 are sending loads of promo text messages - one of them even offered £10 if you port your mobile number over to them, seems like a good idea - Skype/Windows messenger and mobile phone all in one. In fact 3 seem to have the best signal of the lot where I am (though only 3g will work in Aberystwyth 5 miles away)

    Skype on 3 uses normal voice cicuit switched gsm as you say.
    Dont sound to bad and hopefully saving you loads especially if you call people who have skype abroad. Over the years the Wife must have saved a small fortune although still uses normal gsm mobile and calling card credit as many dont have skype access at all or she needs to call them when they are out and about on their mobiles.

    With the TV channels they stream you would think they would target the large markets such as pinoys, indians and chinese with streammed shows to their mobiles. Even if they charge 5 or 10 pounds a month far cheaper than many of the other methods avaiable either in equipment pc/broadband link or satalite dish and contract..

    Today after the Wifes Citzenship do, we wondered round town and the local exchange shop its noticeable all the 3 mobiles apart from im guessing the cheaper non compatiable ones were just not there. Loads of Vodafone,02,orange, virgin even tescos and of course unlocked ones. From the flash to the basic versions. A few months ago there would be tens of them as three PAYG I understand use to be hard to get unlocked...
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