The majority of motorists say new drivers should be banned from driving at night, on the motorway and with a car full of friends, a new survey has found.
An overwhelming 81% of motorists said they agreed to the tougher restrictions which also suggested novice drivers should not be allowed a drop of alcohol before getting behind the wheel.
When asked about learners, 87% said drivers should have to gain a minimum level of experience before they are allowed to take their test.
Three in four of those in favour said stricter rules should be imposed until a driver is at least 20 years old.
Of the 1,000 drivers questioned, most support for post-test restrictions came from older motorists.
But even among 17-24 year olds there was 54% support for some form of limitations.
Nearly everyone (95%) said road safety should be taught in schools and 79% said the Government should go even further to make road safety a compulsory subject.
Cathy Keeler, chief executive of road safety charity Brake, who helped organise the survey, said tougher restrictions would be aimed at protecting young people.
"This isn't about discriminating against the young - it's about protecting the next generation of drivers, who are most at risk of killing themselves and often their young friends, causing the most unimaginable, terrible grief to families and communities.
"Young drivers are more likely than any other age group to die, particularly young male drivers."
Andy Goldby from Direct Line Car Insurance, who collaborated with Brake for the survey, said: "There is a genuine need for many young drivers to gain greater driving skills than under the current testing system.
"Once the driving test has been passed additional post-test training should also be incorporated to form lifelong learning."
The Government is due to announce a new syllabus for learning to drive and additional measures of competence behind the wheel in October.
I dont agree with this it is not all new drivers that are the problem, they just get blamed because people think that they are inexperienced. It's wrong!
Some 40-50 yrs old men idiot drivers are the worst and seems that they own the road! BOOOOOOOOO!!![]()