Sounds like me. I get Tampo lots over silly things which makes my boyfriend really upset. We're still going through tampuhan every now and then but somehow managing. I'd like to think he has accepted that bit of me. He will make lambing to me now when I'm in tampo mode.
I remember one time, I was in tampo mode. He sent me (bah) an emoticon in MSN which is a sheep. I asked him what was that about. He said, "lamb-ing". I really laughed. I thought it was sweet and funny too. Now, he has this new webcam with cute settings, he will go as a sheep when I am tampo.
I have to say, I think Filipinas are very matampuhin but easy to make "suyo naman". ;-p
Take care everyone.x
I soooo agree with you... I even find it cute when bf say on video call: Darling, I am now making "lamb-ing" (as in lamb) to you.. so stop your tampo now please... cute!
i soooo agree with you... I even find it cute when bf say on video call: Darling, i am now making "lamb-ing" (as in lamb) to you.. So stop your tampo now please... Cute!
That's sweet!
The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl