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Thread: Could there be trouble if I go to meet this girl?

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  1. #1
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    Could there be trouble if I go to meet this girl?

    After my previous relationship with a girl from the phils went the shape of a pear earlier this year - see thread: - I've met another lady from the same city who I've really clicked with. We've been chatting for 3 months now and I've grown very fond of her. I actually met her online indirectly through my ex. She is the cousin of my ex's brother-in-law and we met on friendster through him. Somehow my ex has found out about us and recently contacted me asking that I don't mention our past relationship with any of his side of his family. I cut the conversation off and wished her luck for the future.

    Anyway, I was wondering what you guys make of it. Could I be making trouble by pursuing things with this girl? I asked her what she thinks and she says its no problem for her, so I would love to go back there and meet her in person, but do wonder if the ex or any of her family may cause problems.

  2. #2
    eagles's Avatar
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    Just be careful though........Its an embarassing situation that you once had a relative as your gf stayed with her for 2 weeks and now that you are coming back you will spend time with a relative of your ex..

    But your ex warning you not to mention "your past relationship with her" sounds fishy..

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    After my previous relationship with a girl from the phils went the shape of a pear earlier this year - see thread: - I've met another lady from the same city who I've really clicked with. We've been chatting for 3 months now and I've grown very fond of her. I actually met her online indirectly through my ex. She is the cousin of my ex's brother-in-law and we met on friendster through him. Somehow my ex has found out about us and recently contacted me asking that I don't mention our past relationship with any of his side of his family. I cut the conversation off and wished her luck for the future.

    Anyway, I was wondering what you guys make of it. Could I be making trouble by pursuing things with this girl? I asked her what she thinks and she says its no problem for her, so I would love to go back there and meet her in person, but do wonder if the ex or any of her family may cause problems.
    In attempting to read between the lines here, it occurs to me that your ex MIGHT have something in her past she's been trying to hide ...
    something "shady" perhaps ... that she is afraid might resurface if you were to let slip to her brother-in-law's family, the relationship the two of you had. Maybe you should've tried to establish the reason(s) behind her reluctance to have you mention it to them. But then, it's easy to be wise after the event. It just seems odd that she doesn't want them to find out.

    As far as I can see from a quick glance through your previous posts, whatever it is that's troubling her has no reflection on YOU. And it would appear to be HER problem ... not yours. So, by all means try to get to the root of it - if you CAN - but tread warily ...

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Sod her and the family, it's between you and your new girl.
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
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    Its an embarassing situation that you once had a relative as your gf stayed with her for 2 weeks and now that you are coming back you will spend time with a relative of your ex..
    It's not embarassing for me. For her it may be, but that's not my problem.

    Hi Arthur Little. Yes I also thought afterwards I should have tried to get to the root of it, I just guessed at the time she was ashamed of them finding out because she was two-timing me.

    Sod her and the family, it's between you and your new girl.
    My thoughts exactly!

  6. #6
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    If I were you I'd meet her somewhere else in Phils and stay away from potential family squabbles all together.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    If I were you I'd meet her somewhere else in Phils and stay away from potential family squabbles all together.
    LOL, i would have to agree
    saves you from more trouble and headache in the future as well
    but if you are set to this girl already, then be ready for whatever conflict your relationship may cause to the family and relatives....
    "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
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  8. #8
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    It was nice of you to worry about your ex but I believe you have proven how much you cared for her in the past. Reading from your posts, I believe it was her who didn't treasure what you had then.
    Everyone deserves to be happy, so go for it.
    Best of luck!

  9. #9
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Just chillax I say! When you go meet this new could just meet up in a nearby town away from the family...I wouldn't worry mate!

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  10. #10
    Respected Member beppe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    After my previous relationship with a girl from the phils went the shape of a pear earlier this year - see thread: - I've met another lady from the same city who I've really clicked with. We've been chatting for 3 months now and I've grown very fond of her. I actually met her online indirectly through my ex. She is the cousin of my ex's brother-in-law and we met on friendster through him. Somehow my ex has found out about us and recently contacted me asking that I don't mention our past relationship with any of his side of his family. I cut the conversation off and wished her luck for the future.

    Anyway, I was wondering what you guys make of it. Could I be making trouble by pursuing things with this girl? I asked her what she thinks and she says its no problem for her, so I would love to go back there and meet her in person, but do wonder if the ex or any of her family may cause problems.
    There is still a link to your ex, red flag. There are not best secrets kept in the Philippines.
    I would consider the all story and deal closed. Start a new search, just give yourself a bit of time and patience.

  11. #11
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    This isn't true for all Filipino families, but there are those that would consider you a player just for having relationships with two different women from the same "family". To some people, it doesn't matter that you broke up with woman#1 before going out with woman#2. You still look like you're picking two fruits from the same tree.

    Try to find out more about your new girl's family and if the issue will hurt her too (you don't want her family mad at you), or if it's just something your ex is doing to mess with your new relationship.

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