We've not long had a post on backstabbing, etc
Will those who know who they are stop BITCHING it only makes yourselves look STUPID.
Grow up and stop acting like spoilt kids, the guys on here think it is pathetic.
We've not long had a post on backstabbing, etc
Will those who know who they are stop BITCHING it only makes yourselves look STUPID.
Grow up and stop acting like spoilt kids, the guys on here think it is pathetic.
Keith - Administrator
I got to agree with you Boss Keith we are supposed to be a family here and help other people.
Grow up and stop acting like spoilt kids, the guys on here think it is pathetic.
Cant beat a good ole fashioned girl fight IMO!!
Here's some tips to become a good forumer
Not to be too judgemental. How can u judge a person that you have never ever met yet?
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STONE EM! Are we naming names. I had my stone for the stoning
It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.
i have learnt to do what my wife says!
tsk tsk tsk tsk.... we are suppose to be one big happy familyjust proves my point if there is more than 1 filipina in a group it always ends up in bitching and cat fights...
God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.
When I registered here (February of this year I think), the first thread I have read was about the backstabbing and chismis that brought a big rift among the Filipina members... and here it is again...
Sometimes, we all need to just let some comments pass and not take it to heart. This is a forum and as such, it is a venue for us to share our thoughts and views on things however different they may be from one another. That's the beauty of freedom and democracy... you get to listen to other people's views. Let's all practice emphatic listening (Stephen Covey's Habit 5: Seek first to be understand, then to be understood).
As for forming "alliances".. this cannot be avoided as some of us have developed friendships with some other forumers.. as some Filipinas have mentioned in some threads, they have had dinners with other forumers and as such, a bond has been formed. And when one of their friends are "atacked", they can't help but defend even if they are of reason. Let's forgive them. They are just being friends to each other. But I appeal to everyone, that if and when you take sides, I hope you do so in support for what you think and believe is right.. and not because you just want to add fire to the flame.. or just because you wanted to make the thread longer. Like I once said in a previous post, let's keep in mind that behind the words and the code name is a human being.. so let's treat each other as such even in this virtual world.
I mean no offense here should my words have tugged a string or two. I'm just stating my humble observation. You are open to refute what I said, as it is your inherent right to do so. Hey, that's what forums are for.
Let's all stay happy and enjoy the benefits the forum has given all of us. Let's treat this as our home. Are we going to backstab and chismis a family member? If that's our mindset, well.. that's the kind of home we want to create.
The next person to abuse the Rep system by giving neg rep as a way of 'getting back' will get a nice red blob from me.
Treat people how you want to be treated regardless of how they treat you. It costs nothing, and gains you respect from others.
Keith - Administrator
For recidivate there is always.......
The ultimate deterrent....![]()
Ive been gone for a week and this is the first thing i have read![]()
It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good to check up once in a while to make sure you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.
Huh! Don't talk to ME about "bitching". I've seen it all before ... on far too MANY occasions ... in my lifetime. And d'you know the worst offenders? Church members, I'm sorry to say. Yes, it's true ... and that's straight from the :Horse1:'s mouth, having been a regular churchgoer virtually all my days.
I found this out to my cost during a period I spent as Weekend Church Officer [aka the 'Kirk Beadle', in Scotland]. Against my better judgement, I agreed to take on the role, even though I'd long had my suspicions about what quite commonly went on behind the scenes - the backbiting, hair-splitting and gossip -among folk who purported to be so-called 'Pillars of Society'. Rumours abounded ... along the lines of "Did you hear about Jimmy Brown? he's being voted off the finance committee ..." or "Maggie Walker stormed out of last Tuesday's Womens' Guild Meeting because she wasn't pleased about (something or other)" and so on ... ad in finitum! All of which [un-Christianlike behaviour] I had the misfortune to be unwittingly privy to. To be perfectly honest, I'd seen more harmony in a school playground. Moreover, as an office bearer myself, it placed ME in an awkward situation, since I couldn't [nor wouldn't] "take sides" even if I had wanted to.
Suffice to mention that, after serving three and a half years in this capacity, I was glad to step-down.But the whole experience was a real eyeopener.
Bitching is lawyers stuff, after they even paid for.
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