Quote Originally Posted by Tish View Post
I don't think you're being mean or unfair at all Iain. We are in the same predicament as yours when we go to Phils.

I don't think going to Phils is a holiday, as everytime I get back here I'd end up needing/wanting a break

Going to Phils for me is just visiting family and I find it very hard to find the right balance. I always get this feeling that my family just want me/us all to themselves! And whenever I mentioned about going somewhere without them, they'd all end up making me feel guilty!

I've tried explaining to them that we work all the time, and that we need to have a break (meaning going somewhere and relaxing just us!), and without having to drag the entire family!

So in the end, I'd end up going to Phils just by myself, and hubby staying behind to look after the kids here, which is not fair on him as he needs a break too

maybe its just me but i wouldnt want to go on holiday without my husband or my son...