hi bernice_shiela,
welcome to the forum. i do understand your situation, we may have the same or different situation but i am here not to judge you. i got pregnant at 21 y.o. to a man i thought will be my first and last. it was very difficult at that time because all of a sudden a big responsibility landed on my lap i don't know what to do because he rarely showed himself and of course at that time i was naive, too much in love i went along with him with his stories. to cut the story short we parted ways because i learned that our marriage was bigamous so he just disappeared.
i kept on asking myself what is life really all about, life is crap until i met my british husband then he was still crap because he assaulted me, good thing my kids we're not with me that time, and then third time lucky my fiance now came along, accepted me and my kids and even willing to adopt them and now life is really good. now i keep on pinching myself and thinking sometimes this is going to end soon but four years on our relationship is still going strong. to top it all we are going to get married this august and we are going to celebrate it in the phils next year.
but it's your life it's your call, i was just citing myself as an example and it may or it may not affect your decision, all i can say is life can be really hard and tough but like what they said god will always provide, there will always be a lifeline waiting and lying around. if you could live on the decision that you are going to make and live without any regrets nor any resentment with the decision you are going make then go for it. all i can say is if you can ride out this storm you are going through you will come out really strong at the end of it. keep strong and god bless.