Just your thoughts please?
My new girl, and I seem pretty happy, lots of conversation, things in common etc.....
She is 25, and I am 46!
Is that a bad thing in your opinions, as I wd like get some general feedback?
Just your thoughts please?
My new girl, and I seem pretty happy, lots of conversation, things in common etc.....
She is 25, and I am 46!
Is that a bad thing in your opinions, as I wd like get some general feedback?
Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.
not at all!![]()
to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...
Not another age related thread.......
Oh well......
If you can't beat them, then join them.......
You are as young as the woman you feel.....![]()
i am 53 my wife is just 24you cant beat it
as others have said you are as old as feel
i will say no more
Nothing wrong with that mate
My new girl seems so nice, respecful, and gets all my daft jokes, lol
Ohh, also very attentive, and feels ashamed if I want to give her even the smallest of things. No! Not what you are all thinking
Ohhhh well, roll on August, until my visit.
Happy days![]()
Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.
Good luck! Phil...Better luck this time.
go for it![]()
God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.
That's the main thing!
So what? No problem ... as long as you're both happily compatible. And besides, AGE is nothing more than a statistic.
Not at all!I didn't take the opportunity to reply to your previous threads because, at the time, I just couldn't quite think what best to say in the circumstances ... even though I was able to fully empathise with your situation.
But I DO know that you deserve every happiness in the future - especially after what YOU'VE gone through! So, as someone else has already said, "GO FOR IT", Fitzy/Phil ... and all the very best, mate!
Do you know that I was born on 29th of January 1972...and my Vimvie was born on 26th of January 1989...
Awwwww, just three days between us!
Oh yeah, and seventeen bloody years!
I don't think the age gap matters much...
It's actually been good for me that my wifey is younger...I was losing touch with a lot of modern things and I think she has got me back on the beat!![]()
There are 7 Planes Of Existance:
7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
6 — Plane of Forces
5 — Astral Plane
4 — Mental Plane
3 — Too mysterious to describe.
2 — Too mysterious to describe.
1 — Too mysterious to describe.
Why should it be a problem?
It may cause some comments from other people, but thats their problem, not yours.
Does it 'feel' right?
Do you notice the age gap when you're together?
Its the way YOU feel that matters. Don't even worry about what others might think - it just isn't worth it.
Not at all, but make sure her genuine feeling, make sure shes not gonna make you as rice mill or just to run poverty of our country, need to know her real feeling first and foremost.
age doesn't matter as long as u love each other.
Is she a new girl Fitzy? Different from the one you had a misunderstanding on a call you made?
Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.
If she's younger than you, the bigger the margin, the sooner she'll be single again!
If you go for an older model the first time, the quicker you'll be single again, and move onto a younger Mark II version.
I'll get my coat now, and start packing, the wife's reading the forum.....![]()
Keith - Administrator
13 years for us, fantastic, keeps me young and having babies again is amazing, I have much more time this time around and enjoy everything he gets up to,,,,,, well nearly everything... Joshua get your head out of the toilet please![]()
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
I did that exactly!!
No fault of my current ex to be, but she cd have told me before hand that she was a Jehova Witness
The other day walking down the street, I saw her bugging ppl knocking at doors with her mate!!!
To say it goes against my Catholic beliefs is an understatement, but hey, I was not angry heheheheeh, I just took the p*** out of them a bit, lol![]()
Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.
Aha! ... that explains it! Jehovah Witness eh? [Roni (or whatever her name is) I mean]. Probably knew we were ALL doomed from the outset. But just the same ... she might've afforded the decency of giving YOU some forewarning instead of stringing you alongin the sure and certain
belief that the "end" was nigh ...
Anyway, you're well out of it! And good luck for your "new beginning" ...![]()
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