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Thread: Religious Education

  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Religious Education

    The schools minister was on TV yesterday stating that all schools now teach about all religeons, which include readings of the Koran.

    So I aksed my lad about it who just left school, and he said he's only been taught about Christianity. So I asked my 13yo daughter.....same answer. I've asked a few folk on my other fourms.....same answer for schools all over the country.

    I think it's disgusting for a country looking for supposed intergration with other religeons and cultures, that we don't even teach the kids of today about it. No wonder they grow up with the them and us attitude.

    ....and why do we have different schools? We've had Catholic/Protestant schools for decdes that are seperate....Get rid of them, that alone causes misunderstanding, and now we have Islamic, Jewish, etc schools.....greay intergration. Next we'll be building walls around Bradford, Birmingham, Leeds, etc

    If we all learnt about each other and all where mixed together, all learnt each others religeon, and let the kids decide what is what with that knowledge, instead of brain washing these innocent kids into one set or another.....some of today's problems would start to fade away.
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
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    Catholic/Protestant schools have been around for donkey's years, and always try to integrate pupils from other faiths.
    Unless you are somewhere in N.Ireland... But that's another story.
    I want my kids to learn about other religions, so that in future they will understand better, other peoples driving forces.
    Europe, does NOT ban the practising of other faiths, but actually encourages the practice.
    Unfortunately, it is not the same in some Arab countries, where Christianity is seen as an abomination, and Christians are persecuted by not allowing them the basic human right to practice. Sometime, even the wearing of a cross on the person, is forbidden.
    We in the west, have, fortunately, a faith that changes and adapts to the times and allows us the freedom we need to succeed and live peacefully in life
    We are not shackled to a belief formed to subjugate followers anymore, like it was in the middle ages.
    It cannot be said for some other faith...
    My youngest daughter, did receive some intruction, in school, about other religions last year. Not in depth, but at the moment sufficiently to get her to know about other Creeds in the world. I hope that, as she moves to higher education, things will change and improve on the subject.
    My only concern is that it will not get to the point of brainwashing. As our schools are infested with politically correct clip-board carrying bean counters.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus

    My only concern is that it will not get to the point of brainwashing. As our schools are infested with politically correct clip-board carrying bean counters.
    You see, this is what happens when you vote Labour

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    and Christians are persecuted
    I'm not surprised, we done it too them for long enough. I'd hold a grudge as well, if my ancestors had been surpressed & slaughtered.

    Besides, I was talking about the UK, we can't even get our own country in if we could just put children back down the mines again.......bugger....can't do that....the Tories closed them all
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    just close all schools.

    and cut taxes

  6. #6
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win
    I'm not surprised, we done it too them for long enough. I'd hold a grudge as well, if my ancestors had been surpressed & slaughtered.

    Besides, I was talking about the UK, we can't even get our own country in if we could just put children back down the mines again.......bugger....can't do that....the Tories closed them all
    There have been many people down the years who have said they have murdered in the name of Christianity but that has only been a front for murder.

    True Christians live there lives by the bible!!

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    That'll be the Pope then who is a murderer as he ordered the Crusades! Then there is the order by the Pope for the burning of astronomers for questioning God's universe, when everything obviously revolved around the earth......the Pope also ordered the murder and torture to people who showed dissent to the Catholic church....the Pope also had murdered medical folk who done early autopsies....these are numerous Pope's not one.....All guilty with murder or as a part to it according to your statement.
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #8
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win
    That'll be the Pope then who is a murderer as he ordered the Crusades! Then there is the order by the Pope for the burning of astronomers for questioning God's universe, when everything obviously revolved around the earth......the Pope also ordered the murder and torture to people who showed dissent to the Catholic church....the Pope also had murdered medical folk who done early autopsies....these are numerous Pope's not one.....All guilty with murder or as a part to it according to your statement.
    The Pope has nothing to do with what i believe

  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    It's the same God.....or have they evolved into different species as well?

    Obviously he is modeled in YOUR image and not his own, as it is all down to human interpretation which is highly prone to error.
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #10
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win
    It's the same God.....or have they evolved into different species as well?

    Obviously he is modeled in YOUR image and not his own, as it is all down to human interpretation which is highly prone to error.
    All i meant was that i am not catholic so what the Pope does or stands for has nothing to do with what i believe....

  11. #11
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    But you said you believe in God....the same God as them!! Make your mind up, is it one and the same God, or one of the 'OUR' Gods it states in the Bible??

    Is it normal to pick and choose Gods, and make them up to suit our needs? Must be, as humans have done it for thousands of years, with none more right or wrong than the next one, and no one has proved otherwise yet.
    Keith - Administrator

  12. #12
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win
    But you said you believe in God....the same God as them!! Make your mind up, is it one and the same God, or one of the 'OUR' Gods it states in the Bible??

    Is it normal to pick and choose Gods, and make them up to suit our needs? Must be, as humans have done it for thousands of years, with none more right or wrong than the next one, and no one has proved otherwise yet.
    My mind is already made up..

  13. #13
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    No answer to the question though...strange how fanatics always repeat the same thing without giving an answer. Are they all politicians?
    Keith - Administrator

  14. #14
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win
    No answer to the question though...strange how fanatics always repeat the same thing without giving an answer. Are they all politicians?
    Yes we believe in the same God but i am not catholic as i have already said and do not hold to their beliefs.

  15. #15
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    If being a fanatic is believing that the bible is the infallible word of God then thats what i am.
    If believing that we were created and did not evolve from monkeys then yes i am a fanatic.

  16. #16
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    So you're all working in HIS name then!! Regardless of how you worship him, which makes you all jointly responsible for any action taken. Accessory to murder in the courts.
    Keith - Administrator

  17. #17
    Respected Member russ01539's Avatar
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    I thought Protestants originated from Catholicism (I cant spell sorry). Protestants just 'protested' against the control imposed on us all by one person (the Pope) who is the divine unquestioned 'leader' of christianity.

    Everyone has the right to believe what they like, and should be respected for it, so long as they treat their fellow planet dwellers with the same respect.

    An interesting question is the respect you may or may not have for animals and plants of all forms. Do you treat them with the same respect as your fellow humans - they are after Gods' creation in your belief, and should therefore be treated with the utmost respect. Not slaughtered in a barbaric way so that you can have you fill on an evening ?

    Keith, I believe in your belief of evolution, and without going into the fantastic detail in the other thread, I can see no other way humans could have been made. However there must be 'something' or 'someone' out there, there is also so much evidence of that too.

  18. #18
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    It is classed as 'something'. Maybe we are an experiment of an alien race?

    Back in Jesus time the Earth was flat, and the sky was a dome over the Earth. Now we know that it is round to our understanding (although flat in space/time), and we can now see back 13 BILLION years (You can't fiddle red shifting, same as you can't change Carbon-14).

    Why would anyone bother putting all that in place? Spare time? Bored?
    Keith - Administrator

  19. #19
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Yes, teaching religion is divisive. Division causes suspicion and hatred, hatred breeds violoncence. Simple, ban religion!
    No-one persecutes me for being an atheist.

  20. #20
    Respected Member robeth's Avatar
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    religion makes some good people behaves so badly.

    in my teenage years, i used to think like keith ( maybe GOD is an alien) bec i had so many questions that until now were never proven and never answered.

    so i went to different churches in different beliefs including a mosque.and a close encounter of the jewish kind.everybody claims the same thing.they have the true religion...but who knows really?

    one can never be bored.keep never ends. (out of topic now) lol
    insanity- doing the same thing over and over again,expecting a different outcome...

  21. #21
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    >>No-one persecutes me for being an atheist.

    Actually yes they do. especially if you have children... quite simply you can't get them into the best schools. Also you can't hold office in a number of organisations (mainly charities as my sister has found out).
    Again lots of people just pretend to conform so they are excepted. I know a number of people that have worked for YMCA and the red cross who just conform and nod at the right points so they can help people.

    Most religions tolerate other religions, it's the non believers that they string up, stone or burn.

    In the USA atheists are not allowed to join a number of organisations or even for example become members of the senate for a number of states.

    I think it's just because atheists don't make a big thing out of it. I guess because for most atheists that I know, asking if there is a god is like asking a religious person if there is a fridge orbiting the sun and what colour it is?'s just of no real importance, and about as odd a question.

    However just because two people have similar beliefs doesn't mean they agree with everything they do in the name of that belief. Otherwise by that logic everyone that voted labour must agree 100% with everything Tony has done.

    I find the whole subject of religion interesting, in the same way as I find history interesting, not important but interesting.
    Anyway got to go pack...manila here i come....


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