Quote Originally Posted by sweet_wife View Post
im im new in this site,
just want to ask if how to download a multiply in YM( yahoomessenger)
my friend told me it was cool coz you can open more than one YM at a time..
pls i need your idea.. is anybody knows about it??
If you already have YM installed and you want to chat to more than one person at the same time, use the conference option in Preferences. This mean dthat the 3 or more online can chat to each other and also se their webcam. Its quite handy for families split around teh world!!!

If you want to have to versions of YM open.... its not possible. Only one account on a computer is possible to have open.

You can always do what I do.... run 3 computers side by side!!!
But I make websites and other media presentation so I need them!!!