Quote Originally Posted by charlwill View Post
Yes, it is possible to open a multiple Y messenger. In fact I am using it now in my laptop and it's really cool. I really don't know if I am allowed to post attachment with regards to this.

No, she's not talking 2 different messengers. She just only talking Y messenger. As I've said it possible cause I am using it in my laptop. 2 Y messenger with 2 different user ID.
Quote Originally Posted by MarBell379 View Post
Do a quick google search on your words. Yahoo multi messenger.
A multitude of options come up, all easy to install and run.

Ive used one called Digsby in the past. It lets you run MSN, Yahoo, Facebook mesenger, ICQ - all from 1 place. I dont like the interface tho so I went back to the originals.
I'm not a big fan of having multiple accounts in chat apps anyway. It smells of duplicity to me, but I'm sure there are some with valid reasons.
Yes I agree with them, coz been using that when I was there in Phil, I manage to get online with 3 accounts in one pc, 1 for our business ym id, 2nd-my personal id and 3rd my dad ym id
and all of the accounts i had i still got
my kukupops (my fiance) id listed