I've had a internal hard disc drive fail on me, (it was a 200GB Hitachi one..)
It's no real big disaster...although it could have been!
What I'm hoping is that someone experienced with PC's can recommend a good reliable internal Hard disc drive I should buy...
I'm a bit cnfused by the whole thing because I've read that large memory hard discs (500GB or 1 Terrabyte) have a tendency to fail...
...do you think this is true?
...And is there a certain make or brand of hard disc manufacturer that is thought to be reliable?
What I'm actually needing it for is a Fostex VF16 8 track mixer/recorder...the hard disc it came with has been very reliable but it's only 60GB, which means I can only record about 1 hour and 30 mins of recording...I tend to record bands at weddings and stuff...I'd say I need a hard disc that's reliable and at least 300GB!
Can anyone recomend a real good hard disc?Is it true that larger memory hard discs are more likely to fail?
Every one is buying these external USB connected hard discs now...they are probably keeping their wedding pics/family pics and vids on there...but hard disc failure might be more common than we imagine!
Thanks for any replies!