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Thread: Skype

  1. #31
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Any problems in my company, the customer is always right, I never question them, even if I know it's a problem on there computer

    I mean from mobiles at the moment the data costs outweigh the savings on the telephone call.
    Depends on your contract. In my case I get plenty of spare data transfer on my PDA2K, and if you are abroad, it can save you a fortune. If you call from Singapore it costs 0.012p/min, instead of the mobiles £1.50/min
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #32
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by equaliser View Post
    We would love broadband but we are over 4 miles from the local exchange. BT say on their website that the best we can hope for is 288 kbps. Any advice other than moving house?

    I'm sure lots of people in our area would love to get broadband. How do we get BT to accomodate us?
    I've heard about people who live in villages out in the sticks who get up petitions and gather signatures to show BT how many people would be prepared to sign up for broadband if they upgraded the exchange in their area.

    Even if the majority of those people don't eventually sign up to get their dsl service from BT, BT will still get a sizeable cut from it because they own the cable backbone, so it's usually worth it for them to upgrade.

  3. #33
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    Talking of good quality, I was chatting to my fiancee yesterday using Yahoo messenger and the voice quality was amazing. We both used headsets (headphones with a microphone attached) which helped, but it sounded like she was in the room speaking right in my ear!

  4. #34
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    99% of UK exchanges now have broadband. We live in the country, and I get speeds up to 4.3MB/s, exchange is over yonder hill
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #35
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    What is the difference between using skype software and yahoo messenger?
    The Mrs was talking to them for about 3 hours this morning using the yahoo thing and it seemed to work OK..
    Any difference?

  6. #36
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Yahoo has number of security issues, most folk I know end up with infected computers with spyware, malware, virus, etc. I don't know anyone who has used it who hasn't had a security problem. You may not know what you have, but if you run Spyware Doctor you'll find out

    We also use the BT&Skype phone, which makes it easier.

    Skype have also given us 6 months free UK calls, which is nice.

    SMS is very cheap on Skype, and obviously it means you can call folk without a computer.

    It costs us 0.012p to call a mobile in the US......and about 0.16p to call our neighbours mobile

    Depending on time of day/network, etc it costs 11p-14p to call the Phil. Some may say they can get cheaper, but they forget that on most other direct lines/card you also have to add the cost of a local call, which makes Skype about the same price.

    I also have a Skype phone that I can use anyhwere in the world on my laptop, and have just installed it on my new PDA if required.
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #37
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    Yes skype is good for this is the one I usually used but try google talk as well, its pretty good
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  8. #38
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    OK,I ran spybot and had some nasty looking creatures and downloaders on my HD.
    Thing is I can`t be sure if this was down to Yahoo or my browsing of disgusting porn!! (joke only)
    Its not easy for me to get them to use skype as they are using one of our tennents lap tops..
    I did notice that the web cam was very slow..They are using PLDT connection(not sure what speed) which cost them PHP 999.00 a month.
    Still...This is gonna save me a fortune on phone bills..

  9. #39
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Sometimes if your not seeing the girl for months, cheaper buying them a computer ......then when they come here you can rent it to her family for 500PHP a month
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post

    My isp, Virgin don't do lower contention rates than 50:1, but looking around, Demon have a 20:1 Home office package for £26.99. Only problem is I gotta give 50 notes to Virgin to "please release me, let me go"
    You might not have to pay transfer costs Rob. One ISP I've heard good things about (read about it yourself to make sure) is freedom2surf. They offer quite a nice package: 50GB transfer allowance, free transfer from existing provider (remember to get your MAC code from your current ISP so you can switch over with no downtime), you can run your own server, static IP address, and up to 8MB bandwidth. The contention ratio is still 50:1, but I've read from customers who are very happy with the quality compared to other ISP's.

    Read around and see what you think.

  11. #41
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    It's still always best to try and get on a 20:1 business package (self employed accepted), as you get much more for a lower price than the ripped off residential folk......same goes for mobiles as I just discovered.

    I had an XDA paying £55 a month for personnal use, as my business pays I was looking to reduce the contract.....and when I looked at the business packages I got this for £26 a month, with more freebies included. I wasn't even looking to change PDA, but hey, this one is like having the latest laptop in your pocket.
    Keith - Administrator

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Welsh_Italian View Post
    You might not have to pay transfer costs Rob. One ISP I've heard good things about (read about it yourself to make sure) is freedom2surf. They offer quite a nice package: 50GB transfer allowance, free transfer from existing provider (remember to get your MAC code from your current ISP so you can switch over with no downtime), you can run your own server, static IP address, and up to 8MB bandwidth. The contention ratio is still 50:1, but I've read from customers who are very happy with the quality compared to other ISP's.

    Read around and see what you think.
    Reading the boards over at ADSLGuide, it seems that Virgin have messed up big time by grossly underestimating the whole ADSL Max situation. They are getting more capacity, but not for a while, in a meantime, we have to suffer. To give you an idea how bad things are, I can sync at 8192 / 448 as I'm very close to the exchange, daytime speeds are fine - sometimes 7.5mb with pings of 40ms, but weekends and evenings are no go, with download speeds of 0.2mb and pings of 300ms+, I would do better with dial up.

    Anyway I've called for the MAC, should be emailed to me anytime now, and I've been researching. look like a good bet, also Aquiss. I was considering Demon, but they are on the verge of being sold to Talk Talk, hmm no thanks.

  13. #43
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Nothing wrong with TalkTalk. I know plenty on it, no probs, good some have got 4.3mb/s, and the longest switch on was 5 days. You also get a 35GB download allowance.
    Keith - Administrator

  14. #44
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    I use freedom 2 surf, (it's now really pipex) customer support went down hill from the moment of the change (they used to send you emails with any work or dropouts expected weeks or days in advance, that all stopped) in the last few months however ithey have been starting to get it back up :-) and have started the emails again.

    _locally_ f2s doesn't really suffer from the problems of some, a few of my friends are on talktalk and i've been round to fix problems and found the connection is down from the 2mb they expect to about 30kb (slower than dialup)

    Of course it's often a local issue, to many people crammed onto a small exchange. Or as i've also found too many wireless connections in other houses all set to the same channel (causes dropouts).

    I would always advise not to go with a company that has a tie in, or a "free modem" you can get one for 30-40 quid from ebuyer or Dabs.

    Being a sad techy who works away sometimes, i also have a 3g backup connection via my phone (one of them HTC 'TyTN' Windows Mobile PDA Phones too) , skype works just about ok on that too. (t-mobile do a flat rate data package,paying a bit more than Kieth but oh well) is a good place to check out reviews of ISP's


  15. #45
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    HTC 'TyTN' - Just got the Vodafone version to replace my XDA
    Keith - Administrator

  16. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustSomeGuy View Post is a good place to check out reviews of ISP's

    Looks like Aquiss will get my business. Still waiting for Virgin to issue that MAC..tomorrow is Day 5 (3 to 5 days to issue a MAC code they say), so I'll be on the phone again if they try any funny business .

  17. #47
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Looks like Aquiss will get my business. Still waiting for Virgin to issue that MAC..tomorrow is Day 5 (3 to 5 days to issue a MAC code they say), so I'll be on the phone again if they try any funny business .

    Hope it goes well for you Rob. Just shows Broadband needs loads more regulation, as its almost becoming as necessary as water and leccy to most uk households.
    What with data,telephone and our tv likely to come via it in the near future.

    Admin your right about business packages, better deals and rates no stupid freebies (ie things your never need or used thrown in) and most important far superior aftercare and normally named people you can contact 24/7 when things are not working as they should.

    Talking of pcs/pdas for skype in phill.

    Has anyone tried using a pda/upc with dsl in phill? Used on one trip ages back (using cf ethernet card and cable to router) but just for emails as skype for pocket pc did not exist at the time.
    Hoping to set the Wifes young bro up. So skype, web access and emaill can be performed and hopefully soon once the 3G service is more realiable, use the device out and about or as back up to the dsl service.

    I also saw that calling using 3g video call from phill to i think to a couple of the uk mobile providers was quite cheap ( i have no idea of the quality) which maybe of use to others. I saw something on one of globes websites yesterday but i can't find it yet in the history yet grrr.

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