I was browsing the net for quite some time and then I got bored. And then all of a sudden I am typing 'how to date british men' and clicked 'search'. Of all the answers given, this is the best I got. I dont know if some of it are true.
Guys, any reactions to this?
A lot has been said about dating British men. Some things are definitely true while others are purely exaggerated. The truth is dating British men is not an easy task. You have to know what to expect from them and more so what they expect from you. Let us start with some of the good things when it comes to dating this kind of men. You can go on an adventure in Britain to meet great guys. Sunderland Wall, Yorkshire Dales and others will be great places to start. British men have been said to be quite unpredictable. This is a good thing but it can also be a bad thing. Since you do not know what to expect from them, your relationship will stay spicy and edgy. However, there is a thin line between unpredictability and secrecy. Most women would give anything to know what their men are thinking. Another thing that you should know about British men is that they actually enjoy a good session of romance. Unlike what many believe, the men can really make for good lovers.
Dating British men will require you to be ready. You need to know where you can find them. It does not matter what part of the world you come from, online, you can find good men from Britain. Good sites to visit are Date, Date Hook Up and many others. You need to be yourself and open to possibilities. There are so many things that you need to embrace and, they include their tastes and preferences. You do not have to like them; just to appreciate them. The British men form Leeds, Manchester, Bath, Bristol and many other cities will be found online. Sites will display their images and you can decide to choose any man you wish from the town of your choice. It is said that a British man will not be the person to be calling you every so often. As the lady, you are expected to make as many calls as you like because he will be there for you. However, this is definitely not factual but, many can say that this has been their experience in this regard. While dating British men, keep in mind that they are not keen dancers. They love to have a good time but, if you push it so much on the dancing, you might find yourself alone.
Like any other men, British men have been said to adore some bedroom action on first dates. If you are in Britain you can meet guys in bars and pubs. The following are good places to meet guys in North England Bradford Rio, The Yard, The Angel, The Crossin, The Thatch and the list goes on. For art lovers in Britain, recreational places are a good hub for men like Clumber Park, Rother valley and others. You will need patience if you really want to figure out what your date is like. One thing you find comfort in as you date the guys is that when they fall in love, they fall hard. You will definitely know a man who loves you. All women want to fall in love and when you meet the right one, you will. Be confident and make your intentions known as you date. Do not do anything you are not sure of and you will be fine. British men are everywhere and if you think they sound like something special, look for one today; dating British men can prove to be something real worthwhile.