Quote Originally Posted by jam07 View Post
Just want to know the stand of the married couples (and singles) here.

Ladies, do you prefer to be a plain housewife or do you want to have a professional career as well? Guys, do you want your wife to stay at home and take care of the kids (and you ) or do you want her to have a career as well?
My husband don't mind whether i work or stay as a full time housewife, the decision is entirely up to me, which ever i prefer more...
For now, i'm a plain housewife and he loves it lol, but i plan to work and get a job eventually or probably sooner....

Yeah it's nice to take care of the house and look after my husband full time,
but i also miss earning on my own and i miss the financial independence i used to have back home.....

So yes, i would love to take on the role of a good wife and a working girl at thesame time,
although i know it's not easy to juggle both, but i guess time management is the key to achieve that, everything in proper balance....

We'll see how it goes once i started working already, lol