When i googled I found one of those lists which stated what you could do at each age and it stated you could sue or be sued at 18.
At ten you have crimnal responsbilty as you say but I dont know if Cvill law and crimnal law blah blah differ and to be honest as im not ten (only act like it) its not something i worry about much.
From what i recall its the computer (but defining the computer will vary as technolgy changes with the cloud etc), but as i mentioned earlier alot of the law is still up in the air.
Which is why you would if you asked me be wise to tread carefully as the way laws are defined and precedents are set particulalry in new High tech areas dont always follow the pattern people expect.
Of course there maybe some 300 year old law or ruling which gets used for either the defence or prosecution which changes everything.
It could be simply the way the Judge understands the concept which maybe different to what it really is.
Look at cloud storage would they define that as a kind of locker and if so who owns it or takes responsbilty?
At work our company is creating a commercial data storage cloud service. Where you work on files and even applications remotely and everything is virtual. Viewed via a web browser. Which is why worrying about new os seems so noughties to me as the decade comes to a close..
You could download to there and it may be argued the data never entered your pc you just looked at it. Who would be responsible for it still a very grey area, im guessing.
Could a judge be found who really understood the ins and out as new technolgies happen? Many working on the outskirts of new Technolgy within the company dont understand them totally even if highly qualified and experienced, so how could a Judge?
Have a fair idea and able to use a PC just dont cut it for me.
Wheter the courts decide file sharing is good bad or whatever is up to them but i do hope they could have people who have a proper understanding of all the concepts if they are learning from Expert for the defence or prosecution then the infomation will be slanted in their favour.