Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
Could a judge be found who really understood the ins and out as new technolgies happen? Many working on the outskirts of new Technolgy within the company dont understand them totally even if highly qualified and experienced, so how could a Judge?

Have a fair idea and able to use a PC just dont cut it for me.

Wheter the courts decide file sharing is good bad or whatever is up to them but i do hope they could have people who have a proper understanding of all the concepts if they are learning from Expert for the defence or prosecution then the infomation will be slanted in their favour.
true also even if they did understand, would they be impartial, as the judge on the trial of pirate bay was found after the trial to be a member of the same pro-copyright groups as several of the main entertainment industry reps in the case, and he thought he should not declare his interest , thou he did say it did not influence his judgement