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Thread: Careful in what you download using bittorrent

  1. #31
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    that may be true in law, but as i said there is no law that says you need to secure your wireless router, so ignorance is not a defence as you've committed no crime..

    if you leave your keys in the car while your warming it up, on a winter morning and turn your back for a mo, and some scally scouser nicks your car and commits a crime using it, do the police prosecute you ?
    Only if they knew the scouser had taken the car and had done the crime if all they knew is your car was taken. If you couldn't prove where you was not there etc...
    If you left your keys in your car and the door open unattended you most likely invalidate your insurance. Also in a court of law if you had no evidence or witnesses to say you elesewhere they may think it odd you didn't lock the door and unlikely. Even odder if the car was in your possession again after the act was carried out...

    No law you need to lock your front door as far as im aware but if you didn't do it people would think you deserve what you had coming and insurance would in most cases be invalidated.

    I repeat also if you use your pc for any intrernet banking or commerce you would be well advised to secure your pc as many banks have now started providing a lot of advice on securing networks and pc's even supplying security software. I wonder if you did have a issue with fraud which was i.t related to your home pc they might get out of any repayments if they could prove you did not use a secure pc and network?
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  2. #32
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    use rapidshare Bittorrent also uploads as well as downloads, Rapidshare is a download only service (unless you actually upload stuff on it but that can be traced)

  3. #33
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    use rapidshare Bittorrent also uploads as well as downloads, Rapidshare is a download only service (unless you actually upload stuff on it but that can be traced)
    rapidshare will have a log of everything you've downloaded

    insurance has nothing to do with it andy thou, but i wouldn't have to prove anything, as i'm innocent until proven guilty, it would be upto the prosecution to prove i downloaded the files,

    i'm amazed that anyone could be taken to court without admitting it was them who downloaded the files. for example the guy was beaten up, but no one could prove which one it was, so they went free. so it should be the same here, if they cannot prove it was me, how can they take you to court ??

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    .........Anyway, you should be using Newsgroups
    I used to use the newsgroups a lot a few years ago.
    Any recommendations for a good ISP with unlimited bandwidth and newsgroups?

  5. #35
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I used to use the newsgroups a lot a few years ago.
    Any recommendations for a good ISP with unlimited bandwidth and newsgroups?
    thats what i'm looking for
    i'm on bulldog but no newgroups, which is owned by tiscali and they are owned by pipex now i think...

    maybe i'll change to O2, dont think there is newsgroups with o2 thou..

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    thats what i'm looking for
    i'm on bulldog but no newgroups, which is owned by tiscali and they are owned by pipex now i think...

    maybe i'll change to O2, dont think there is newsgroups with o2 thou..
    I was with Bulldog a few years ago and was on the ng then.
    I heard they went bankrupt and were bought out.
    Seems the new owners don't like people using bandwidth then.

  7. #37
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I was with Bulldog a few years ago and was on the ng then.
    I heard they went bankrupt and were bought out.
    Seems the new owners don't like people using bandwidth then.
    nope i've got no problems with bulldog, no cap or limits, the only problem is the price , cost me £40 a month inc line rental, many are half that price now, maybe i should give them a call and get £10 knocked off for the next 6 months, telling them i want my MAC key

    i could sign up for a newsbin account but i like rapidshare and megashare just dont like the fact of the logs, but any provider can log your uploads/downloads..

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    .........maybe i should give them a call and get £10 knocked off for the next 6 months, telling them i want my MAC key
    Everytime I have threatened to leave a phone company (for example) for another, they seem to want to bend over backwards to keep your business.
    They always offer discount to keep you.
    I hope the ISP has the same mentality as the phone companies.
    If you don't ask, you don't get!

  9. #39
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    newsgroups for me love em!

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    newsgroups for me love em!
    ISP ? Cost? Bandwidth?
    C'mon, don't be shy..............

  11. #41
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Everytime I have threatened to leave a phone company (for example) for another, they seem to want to bend over backwards to keep your business.
    They always offer discount to keep you.
    I hope the ISP has the same mentality as the phone companies.
    If you don't ask, you don't get!

    your right, i did this with bulldog, they said why did i want to leave, i said o2 was half the price, and they said, will you stay with us if we knock £10 off for the next 6 months, i was in 2 minds, but stayed..

    but im thinking its time i tried again or went ot someone else..

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    isp virgin 20mb,newsbin newsgroup,newsleech to find torrents share cost with another bout £15 month so £7.50 each
    Thanks :-)

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You don't get done for downloading, the industry goes for the uploaders.

    Anyway, you should be using Newsgroups

    I only download things to test them..

    I am feeling a bit grumpy tonight.... so being nice is out till Monday AM !

    Downloading any software and using it without paying is still.." wrong".
    If its a trial, you have a time limit, hack it , crack it, keygen it.... no excuses.

    "Testing" is not an excuse.. unless its the official trial software which runs for the allowed period before packing in.
    The only reason I to stop others following your example through lack of knowledge and maybe coming unstuck one day.

    Excepting freeware, all other stuff needs the user to purchase a licence/ serial number/ctivation key.

    Likewise downloading from the torrent sites or similar sources,anything that others have hacked, cracked or fettled in any .... "wrong".

    OK, just going out to kick the cat and I should be OK after that!

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arturo View Post
    I am feeling a bit grumpy tonight.... so being nice is out till Monday AM !
    Don't make promises when you are in JOY. Don't reply when you are SAD.
    Don't take decisions when you are ANGRY. Think twice, Act wise. BE happy.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arturo View Post
    Downloading any software and using it without paying is still.." wrong".
    If its a trial, you have a time limit, hack it , crack it, keygen it.... no excuses.
    same as using a photocopier is wrong unless you've got written permission from the copyright holder, also using a dvd recorder because you don't own the copyright or have their permission, etc

    just as working on the side for cash in hand is wrong, also MP's who claimed for anything and everything is wrong, but walk away free, looks to me some things are more wrong than others..

  16. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    rapidshare will have a log of everything you've downloaded

    insurance has nothing to do with it andy thou, but i wouldn't have to prove anything, as i'm innocent until proven guilty, it would be upto the prosecution to prove i downloaded the files,

    i'm amazed that anyone could be taken to court without admitting it was them who downloaded the files. for example the guy was beaten up, but no one could prove which one it was, so they went free. so it should be the same here, if they cannot prove it was me, how can they take you to court ??

    But maybe the court will ask who "owns" the pc, I know with a company if priated software is found on a device our company were advised that either the person who downloaded/loaded on the software was responsible if that could not be determined it was a Director or company secatary who took the rap.

    I dont know if the same in domestic setting but would make sense..

    Again thats why often from what i read of the Cases the parent is sued as they own the PC.
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  17. #47
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    that could not be determined it was a Director or company secatary who took the rap.

    I dont know if the same in domestic setting but would make sense..

    Again thats why often from what i read of the Cases the parent is sued as they own the PC.
    thats true, when i use to pat test stuff, it would not be me who got took to court, it would be the director if anyone got a ...

    i think you will find in many cases, the parent takes the blame because they don't want the kid taken to court, also not many kids can pay a big fine

    But children can't be sued, can they?

    In the US, the record industry says it can sue anyone, including kids. Some parents have had to pay big fines because their kids were downloading illegally.

    British record bosses haven't said if any of the people they sued were children, but thought it "highly likely" that some of the people that paid the fines were doing so for their kids.

    in America i believe that civil liability can extend to the parents of under-age offenders, even if they were unaware that their child had been stealing(downloading pirated s/w) but i do not think that the same in the UK.

    also andy, if i own the pc and the boardband line is in the misses name , what then ! ?

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    thats true, when i use to pat test stuff, it would not be me who got took to court, it would be the director if anyone got a ...

    i think you will find in many cases, the parent takes the blame because they don't want the kid taken to court, also not many kids can pay a big fine

    But children can't be sued, can they?

    In the US, the record industry says it can sue anyone, including kids. Some parents have had to pay big fines because their kids were downloading illegally.

    British record bosses haven't said if any of the people they sued were children, but thought it "highly likely" that some of the people that paid the fines were doing so for their kids.

    in America i believe that civil liability can extend to the parents of under-age offenders, even if they were unaware that their child had been stealing(downloading pirated s/w) but i do not think that the same in the UK.

    also andy, if i own the pc and the boardband line is in the misses name , what then ! ?
    Owner of the pc i presume or whoever is responsible for that person who is underage.

    I belived you can be sued at 18 from a quick google but do they sue more likely to private prosecute?
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  19. #49
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    age of criminal responsibility in uk i think is 10yrs old andy,

    thou i think if you were a company and took someone under 16 to court you would look a right

    owner of pc, whoever pays the isp, the person who downloaded the warez.. could be 3 people in court

    i'll let the law sort it out, anyway as i've said b4, my dog owns the pc and she pays for the broadband with her wages i give her for guarding the house and i have to wait til shes off the website dogsrus and piratebay b4 i can go on here

  20. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    age of criminal responsibility in uk i think is 10yrs old andy,

    thou i think if you were a company and took someone under 16 to court you would look a right

    owner of pc, whoever pays the isp, the person who downloaded the warez.. could be 3 people in court

    i'll let the law sort it out, anyway as i've said b4, my dog owns the pc and she pays for the broadband with her wages i give her for guarding the house and i have to wait til shes off the website dogsrus and piratebay b4 i can go on here

    When i googled I found one of those lists which stated what you could do at each age and it stated you could sue or be sued at 18.

    At ten you have crimnal responsbilty as you say but I dont know if Cvill law and crimnal law blah blah differ and to be honest as im not ten (only act like it ) its not something i worry about much.

    From what i recall its the computer (but defining the computer will vary as technolgy changes with the cloud etc), but as i mentioned earlier alot of the law is still up in the air.
    Which is why you would if you asked me be wise to tread carefully as the way laws are defined and precedents are set particulalry in new High tech areas dont always follow the pattern people expect.

    Of course there maybe some 300 year old law or ruling which gets used for either the defence or prosecution which changes everything.
    It could be simply the way the Judge understands the concept which maybe different to what it really is.

    Look at cloud storage would they define that as a kind of locker and if so who owns it or takes responsbilty?

    At work our company is creating a commercial data storage cloud service. Where you work on files and even applications remotely and everything is virtual. Viewed via a web browser. Which is why worrying about new os seems so noughties to me as the decade comes to a close..

    You could download to there and it may be argued the data never entered your pc you just looked at it. Who would be responsible for it still a very grey area, im guessing.

    Could a judge be found who really understood the ins and out as new technolgies happen? Many working on the outskirts of new Technolgy within the company dont understand them totally even if highly qualified and experienced, so how could a Judge?

    Have a fair idea and able to use a PC just dont cut it for me.

    Wheter the courts decide file sharing is good bad or whatever is up to them but i do hope they could have people who have a proper understanding of all the concepts if they are learning from Expert for the defence or prosecution then the infomation will be slanted in their favour.
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  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Could a judge be found who really understood the ins and out as new technolgies happen? Many working on the outskirts of new Technolgy within the company dont understand them totally even if highly qualified and experienced, so how could a Judge?

    Have a fair idea and able to use a PC just dont cut it for me.

    Wheter the courts decide file sharing is good bad or whatever is up to them but i do hope they could have people who have a proper understanding of all the concepts if they are learning from Expert for the defence or prosecution then the infomation will be slanted in their favour.
    true also even if they did understand, would they be impartial, as the judge on the trial of pirate bay was found after the trial to be a member of the same pro-copyright groups as several of the main entertainment industry reps in the case, and he thought he should not declare his interest , thou he did say it did not influence his judgement

  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    true also even if they did understand, would they be impartial, as the judge on the trial of pirate bay was found after the trial to be a member of the same pro-copyright groups as several of the main entertainment industry reps in the case, and he thought he should not declare his interest , thou he did say it did not influence his judgement
    Sounds like the case of the Judge who ask who is this Gazza fellow
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  23. #53
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    A lot of software from the smaller companies that sell in the EU actually are in breach of EU/UK law with regard refunds, but your chances of getting the money back is low if you've bought software and it's crap.

    People pass the Ebooks I sell around for free, some folk hack my software, that's part of business, always has been, and always will be. As Joe points out, everyone does it at some point with something.
    Keith - Administrator

  24. #54
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    This guy got a big headache,

    Boston student who admitted downloading, sharing music ordered to pay $675K to record labels

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