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  1. #1
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    the general feeling is that windows 7 is a winner,supercharged vista with all the bad bits gone.take my word this will be the main o/s for years now.just look around forums businesses are taking it seriously,If you have tried it then you will see how stable it is.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    the general feeling is that windows 7 is a winner,supercharged vista with all the bad bits gone.take my word this will be the main o/s for years now.just look around forums businesses are taking it seriously,If you have tried it then you will see how stable it is.
    Still trying to sell your copies

    Im pretty sure soon it will be the last OS you will need to Buy unless you want the premimun version of your prefered OS.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  3. #3
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=somebody;183007]Still trying to sell your copies

    i already got one person wanting a copy for £60, higher,higher shouts the crowdwatching how much they go for on ebay.

    just checked up to £57 on ebay with a day to go

  4. #4
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Still trying to sell your copies

    i already got one person wanting a copy for £60, higher,higher shouts the crowdwatching how much they go for on ebay.

    just checked up to £57 on ebay with a day to go
    I hope the Microsoft Police dont catch you
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  5. #5
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post

    I hope the Microsoft Police dont catch you
    nothing they can do,legally bought copies i can sell for whatever i wish.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post

    nothing they can do,legally bought copies i can sell for whatever i wish.
    i remember where i use to work many years ago, we bought office and windows from the usa to sell in the uk, we got raided by Microsoft and cops for breaking some license agreement..

    anyway what can win 7 do that xp can't ? what's your killer app :rolleyes

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post

    i remember where i use to work many years ago, we bought office and windows from the usa to sell in the uk, we got raided by Microsoft and cops for breaking some license agreement..

    anyway what can win 7 do that xp can't ? what's your killer app :rolleyes
    Its the liscense that you never truely own normally, but you own the box well thats the way software people look at it after losing out on reselling unused physcial items.

    If you do open and tick the EULA many say you dont own the software, look at the apple Iphone cant remeber the wording but you technically dont own the software on it and Apple can do as they please with it.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  8. #8
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post

    i remember where i use to work many years ago, we bought office and windows from the usa to sell in the uk, we got raided by Microsoft and cops for breaking some license agreement..

    anyway what can win 7 do that xp can't ? what's your killer app :rolleyes
    buying from us to sell in uk is completly different,thats like buying duty free.
    thats a bit like saying whats the diffrernce between a morris minor and a porsche! both are cars are they not?it's not simply down to a killer app it's various things,try googling this if you not sure of the difference, many intersting the end of the day we move on xp has been brill for years i loved it but now there is something better and we all move on.

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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post

    nothing they can do,legally bought copies i can sell for whatever i wish.
    But steve ballmer wont be your friend anymore after all your free advertising
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    If you have tried it then you will see how stable it is.
    Vista is stable

    All W7 is is Vista with a few front end bits changed, they haven't rewritten the core engine.

    One problem many users will not be aware of is two things:
    You can't upgrade from XP as you would think, you have to as good as install a fresh W7 and reinstall all your software.
    Most of the programs you may use in all versions of windows are not now installed to conform with worldwide monopoly rulings, so you have to download them from MS, but as the EU version has no IE installed!!!

    I don't remember Apple being forced to take out software from its OS!
    Keith - Administrator

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Vista is stable

    All W7 is is Vista with a few front end bits changed, they haven't rewritten the core engine.

    One problem many users will not be aware of is two things:
    You can't upgrade from XP as you would think, you have to as good as install a fresh W7 and reinstall all your software.
    Most of the programs you may use in all versions of windows are not now installed to conform with worldwide monopoly rulings, so you have to download them from MS, but as the EU version has no IE installed!!!

    I don't remember Apple being forced to take out software from its OS!
    You get the daft menu selection of browser ballot in the EU version i understand.

    There is third party software which is supose to let you transfer over your apps but who knows

    true all this monoply business which oprea brought about so i guess others in different fields could complain about apple but it is tiny compared to ms

    but apple n google soon bump into the eu if fines can be levied
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Vista is stable

    All W7 is is Vista with a few front end bits changed, they haven't rewritten the core engine.

    One problem many users will not be aware of is two things:
    You can't upgrade from XP as you would think, you have to as good as install a fresh W7 and reinstall all your software.
    Most of the programs you may use in all versions of windows are not now installed to conform with worldwide monopoly rulings, so you have to download them from MS, but as the EU version has no IE installed!!!

    I don't remember Apple being forced to take out software from its OS!
    Windows 7 E has been dropped and as SB says it's a ballot screen now and IE 8 will be included in the install but can be completely disabled if you choose another browser.

    The lack of a proper upgrade is going to be a disaster, people were upset at UAC on Vista, what's it going to be like when they press a button that says upgrade which then proceeds to wipe their PC how many people will have backups of all their personal files, photos, etc.

    We are supposed to have an RTM already and as Job Honeyball at PC Pro pointed out, now no one knows what will actually be in the box!

    I just hope they don't ruin a great OS by a clumsy installation procedure that fails to make it clear to people what is actually going to happen to their PC.


  13. #13
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    The lack of a proper upgrade is going to be a disaster, people were upset at UAC on Vista, what's it going to be like when they press a button that says upgrade which then proceeds to wipe their PC how many people will have backups of all their personal files, photos, etc.

    pc world are offering people who can't back up their own files or instal a o/s a service to do exactly 7 is now coming with ie8 as default and a choice of other browsers-you select which 1 you want (that sounds difficult)lol
    a fresh install is always the best way, many of the public will have bits of crap on their pc.most people i know can make simple backups of their photos and docs to cd or flash disk.
    if they cannot do that then they should get someone to show them as in the event of hd failure (it happened to me recently) your gonna loose em.
    formatting a pc is a piece of p.... installing your apps takes a while but once its done its done.
    most people know a friendly pc guy who will help them out
    i do it all the time especially for xp users with their virus ridden pcs and bsod.
    something not happened once on w7

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    The lack of a proper upgrade is going to be a disaster, people were upset at UAC on Vista, what's it going to be like when they press a button that says upgrade which then proceeds to wipe their PC how many people will have backups of all their personal files, photos, etc.

    pc world are offering people who can't back up their own files or instal a o/s a service to do exactly 7 is now coming with ie8 as default and a choice of other browsers-you select which 1 you want (that sounds difficult)lol
    a fresh install is always the best way, many of the public will have bits of crap on their pc.most people i know can make simple backups of their photos and docs to cd or flash disk.
    if they cannot do that then they should get someone to show them as in the event of hd failure (it happened to me recently) your gonna loose em.
    formatting a pc is a piece of p.... installing your apps takes a while but once its done its done.
    most people know a friendly pc guy who will help them out
    i do it all the time especially for xp users with their virus ridden pcs and bsod.
    something not happened once on w7
    Lots of people will see the word "Upgrade" and will have clicked proceed without even knowing that this is not the same as upgrades of old.

    After 20 odd years I'm sick of being the friendly PC guy, I'm now the unfriendly PC guy anyone who wants help with their computer can pay my professional bespoke programming rates these days


  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimOttley View Post
    Lots of people will see the word "Upgrade" and will have clicked proceed without even knowing that this is not the same as upgrades of old.

    After 20 odd years I'm sick of being the friendly PC guy, I'm now the unfriendly PC guy anyone who wants help with their computer can pay my professional bespoke programming rates these days


    Word its amazing how many of my Wifes friends in particular will ring or text and im supose to dash round or call them up and sort out some issue

    But I have to be honest I see to many people conned by computer repair shops to stop helping

    I think as always best to do a clean install you should have the orginal disks or download of the application and instead of trying to upgrade.

    If more people use there My docs and had a regular backup in place for all photos, documents and any other unique files. You could simply wipe and copy over.

    With regards the browser as the browser comes more and more important for many users surely many will like many others and myself have several Browsers loaded.

    But still find best to run browsers and day to day stuff in a vm, when it looks scruffy or in a badway, wipe and run the orignal clean version
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Word its amazing how many of my Wifes friends in particular will ring or text and im supose to dash round or call them up and sort out some issue

    But I have to be honest I see to many people conned by computer repair shops to stop helping

    I think as always best to do a clean install you should have the orginal disks or download of the application and instead of trying to upgrade.

    If more people use there My docs and had a regular backup in place for all photos, documents and any other unique files. You could simply wipe and copy over.

    With regards the browser as the browser comes more and more important for many users surely many will like many others and myself have several Browsers loaded.

    But still find best to run browsers and day to day stuff in a vm, when it looks scruffy or in a badway, wipe and run the orignal clean version
    I agree clean install is best it's just that a great many people don't understand what's required for that kind of exercise.

    I'm still using Chrome a lot because of the cookie bug in IE, even though it's not losing cookies quite so often now it's still losing them more often than I would like.

    Good point about the vm's I'm leaning that way myself, I'm running VMware Server on my 64 bit laptop and the performance is amazing, I've got a 2008 Server running in a VM that feels like it's on the raw metal.


  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    im supose to dash round or call them up and sort out some issue
    dash round , i'm still waiting for you to come and upgrade my win95 to win 98

    misses is on her way Andy, so be warned stay clear of Euston road on weds and Thursday

    told her not to come back if she does badly

  18. #18
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimOttley View Post
    Lots of people will see the word "Upgrade" and will have clicked proceed without even knowing that this is not the same as upgrades of old.

    After 20 odd years I'm sick of being the friendly PC guy, I'm now the unfriendly PC guy anyone who wants help with their computer can pay my professional bespoke programming rates these days


  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    Trust me he's sensible, i see Jims point of view.

    If you help out a friend as a favour they seem to think they can have unlimited support, you have to save files which have never been backed up and looked after which in a professional capacity you would say most likely unless they offered you huge amounts of wonga tough you didn't follow any basic pc housekeeping procedures. NO back up, updating files, using a file wall and/or NAT server, didn't use AV and AS if you did never updated and ran or used one not suited to the job in hand Took risks with chersihed data even though you had been advised and instructed how to look after correctly in the best way. Download random software from unknown sources, use p2p on a device you do your internet banking and email on

    Yet then expect someone to flick a switch and make it all new again.

    Like Jim says the service somepeople expect as a favour they forget how much time it takes. Yet a lot of the time they would have never had the problem in the first place if they had engaged Brain

    Its why I sorted out the PC's in phill I was fed up of the time and engery all because some stupid wallpaper or game was downloaded by her bro or lill cousins and it affected the Wife communicating with her family back there that I made sure it was made possible to reload a Ghost image if it all went pete tong. Plus they could do it not me
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post


  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    Seriously Les, to stay at the front of the technology game at my age is a time consuming process.

    Although I am no longer an independent consultant I still have to keep up to date which basically means I have to teach myself every new programming technology from scratch in my own time, at the moment that's WPF and Silverlight and as I am a controls developer I'm not looking at just the surface layer of how to use this stuff.

    When I was working for myself I would do 8 hours on site then often another 3 or 4 hours working on personal projects each night often these were basically self education projects, when someone then comes along with a knacked PC with lost data that's going to take at least 4 hours to recover my patience starts to wear a bit thin.

    When I was working for myself Saturday and Sunday were also working days and even I would get sick of the sight of a PC sometimes

    I even get depressed when I have to install my own machines now


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