Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
LOL hey i bought my 1.99 and sometimes 2.99 games with my pocket money and if i was lucky i buy a full price one Even from Ocean i belive a manchester software house

Lordy that MGH looks the business (for its time )
yes ocean, they were called something else b4 ocean, what ever happened to them

£1.99 and £2.99 must have been by mastertronic - early days the darling brothers worked for them (codemasters)

mgh, oh it was. i think i threw it out a couple of years ago , it had an adaptor so it could fit on the snes or megadrive, you could copy the cart that was in the top, or even better download games form your fav bbs (b4 the Inet took off) and from your pc copy to fdd and the mgh could read the floppy and you could play them game, first time i saw it it blew my mind , that the next day i bought one for £300 alot of money then.. ...

but i still have profighter one, which has a serial interface on it , so you can connect it to your pc and so it went from copying 1 cart by yourslef to downloading 1 game from a bbs to buying a cd with 650 games on which could be transferred from the pc to the copier - a gamers heaven

oh , you used a sinclair ac adptor on the MGH and the other copiers becuase they could handle a lot of amps - so one use for the adaptor but not the puter

i should be on mastermind video gaming industry in the 80's