Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
a twin tub washing machine works but we prefer automatics,
i spend a lot of time fixing pcs etc and i wanna go with the new technology and by doing so i learn more and more bout it-it's the future,seem to remember this type of discussion before wen xp came out-new fangled rubbish lol
companies will pay for it like they upgraded in the past-we move on.
i use to install dos (3.1) and windows 3.11 on pc's many, many years ago where i use to work, it was a big jump from going from windows 3.11 to windows 95, that jump to me has never happened again..

not from 95 to 98, or to win millennium, win2k, xp, vista or i doubt win 7..
so for most people there is no reason to buy it.. and how many companies who buy new pc's will put xp back on them ??

i can tell you from where i work now, we refurbish 100's of portables a week, and they all have xp on

but then i've never been one of those type of people, who had to have the latest mobile, pc, processor, o/s or whatever .............