Hey Guy's,
A few hours ago I was talking with my girl when her computer froze (again) and disconnected us. After she got back online she mentioned how she needs to save up for a new PC..
So I half joked that perhaps I might get her one for Christmas
Well, that did not go down too well and I swiftly found that for the first time I had insulted my new girl
But after her telling me how she was not like that and my grovelling attempts of an apology we moved on to other topics

But boy, after thinking back and comparing her to my scammer of an ex, I think that I truly have found a diamond after searching through coals!
So to any other guy out there who has ever been burnt by a Filipina; move on and see who else is out there. Learn from your mistakes and if you look hard enough you will find a truly genuine lady who will restore your faith