The control of immigration statistics for the last quarter of 2008 show that asylum applications have fallen by two per cent - down from 6,870 between October and December 2007 to 6,735 in the same period for 2008.

The number of initial decisions to refuse or grant asylum was three per cent up, with 4,720 decisions being made in the last quarter of 2008 compared to 4,570 in the same period in 2007.

Between October and December 2008 16,525 people were removed or departed voluntarily from the United Kingdom. This includes 2,570 failed asylum seekers and their dependants and 13,950 non asylum cases. This is a two per cent fall from the same period the previous year.

A yearly comparison shows that overall removals and voluntary departures are five per cent up - increasing from 63,365 in 2007 to 66,275 in 2008. There was a fall of 15 per cent to 11,640 for those leaving who had claimed asylum (including dependants) but an increase of ten per cent to 54,635 for non-asylum cases in 2008.


notice the voluntary and removals figures have been combined together, WHY ?? because the removal figure is so low. and for the yearly figure for 2008 the voluntary figure was high because of the concession for illegal immigrants to return home voluntary and their overstaying wouldn't effect future visa apps to the uk if they left by oct 2008, yet how many came back ?

there are many scams out there, more than you think, sham marriages, bogus colleges & uni's, bogus students and asylum seekers, umbrella companies that use deceit to help get visa's.....