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Thread: which is better?

  1. #1
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    which is better?

    Hello everyone. I am new on this site but i've been reading some of ur threads for some time now, hoping i'll read some threads that have similar situation to ours. Anyway, I met a British national more than two years ago in the net. We've been boyfriend-girlfriend for 4 months when he decided to come visit me. He stayed here for 3 weeks and we got engaged. After 9 months, he decided to come back here. We got married after 2 months. He stayed here with me in the Philippines for 10 months. Now he is back in UK and want to take me there. My question is ... can his father sponsor/co-sponsor me because my husband is not capable yet. My husband did good on his business the previous years though and now he just started on his new job. My father-in-law has a house and he's living alone. He said we could stay in his house and willing to give a letter saying he could accommodate me there. I have a savings that i think could last for 2 years. Is that enough for a spouse visa? Or is it better that i'll apply for a visit visa first, and come back in the philippines after 6 months to apply for the spouse visa?

    thanks for ur help.

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    ... can his father sponsor/co-sponsor me because my husband is not capable yet.
    If you mean financially - NO
    For accomodation only - YES

    Why would you want a visa visit if you are married? You still have to prove the sme things.

    Your hubby has to prove he can financially support you. That's money in the bank & a regular income.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    If you mean financially - NO
    For accomodation only - YES

    Why would you want a visa visit if you are married? You still have to prove the sme things.

    Your hubby has to prove he can financially support you. That's money in the bank & a regular income.

    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Hi empott

    I would just like to say im no expert on obtaining visas, i have just read a little of others experinces and pick up a little knowledge from my Wifes succesfull application. But im far from an authority on the subject.

    but what i have picked up is there are three main condtions the CEO is looking for when you make an application.

    1. Will you have adqueate accomdation in the UK. This is a place which is deemed adqueate by the local authorities.

    Ie a room exclusively for the use of your husband and your self and other adequate faclities bathroom and kitchen for example.

    2 That your sponser and you can show that you can support one another, as for the firsat two years you will not be eligible for any public funds (unemployment benefit, housing allowance etc)

    3 That you can prove you are in a real marriage, truely in love and have met one another.

    Well like the others say if your Husbands father offers adqueate accomdation thats the first ticked off the list. But do get your hubby to check that it is all done correctly, that his father states its ok in a letter etc.

    secondly that you can support one another. In Brit/phill relationships itsx normally the uk spouse who is better off due to the nature of the two countries. But if you did have enough savings this could be used to help prove you could support yourself. Although it would be far easier if your hubby could show bank statements and evidence it had a job/income which was contributing.

    If your husband collects his pay slips, bank statments and saves like crazy and you have savings, applying for the visa should not be so bad after all. It may take a few months to get all the evidence, but a few months is nothing if you wanna spend the rest of your lifes together.

    Third item should not be hard to prove you are married and have spent ten months together.

    Read though this site and the one mentioned at the top of the page you should both gather lots of infomation.

    May i wish you both the best of luck. Remeber nothing is impossible, somethings just need more hardwork and time to achieve than others.

  5. #5
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    thank u sooo much for the infos. its devastating! we just wanna spend the holidays together but it seems that it wont happen. we don't mind me coming back here after six months and apply for the spouse visa. we just want to be together again. r u sure guys that my father-in-law could not sponsor me for a visit visa?

  6. #6
    Member mrs j english's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by empott View Post
    thank u sooo much for the infos. its devastating! we just wanna spend the holidays together but it seems that it wont happen. we don't mind me coming back here after six months and apply for the spouse visa. we just want to be together again. r u sure guys that my father-in-law could not sponsor me for a visit visa?
    We did the same route as what you're planning but without sponsor. We're married and applied for a visitor's visa. We showed all necessary and needed documents including bank statements and accomodation. They denied my visa application. The CEO already made up her mind before she even interviewed me coz she didn't even bother checking the statements. She basically based her refusal due to the current balance with my hubby's statement! Saying that it's not enough to last for 6 months! Not taking into consideration that he got a job and gets paid every payday. We didn't even bother appealing our case. After the refusal, hubby decided that instead of us waiting and not knowing the outcome, we might as well settle here in the Philippines. And someday just visit UK.

  7. #7
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    thanks everyone for ur help...

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