lol..another clue..hmmm..thats quite a challenge..ill be turning 24 this it be and my boyfriend..he's 28 years BTW..would like to go for a fiancee visa..he'll be coming back this december but then we're not sure if we can provide enough evidence because we got official after he went back home which was on june this year..and we have several pictures but then those were for merely 2 nights that we've been there a specific time for you to be together before applying..and would it be a ground for disapproval if the two us dont really have much physical contacts before applying..bec its really upsetting to be apart..and we're both scared that if we wait a little longer..we both think it would be better if i fly back with him..this is really crazy..and long distance affair is new to both of us..its really great to feel the connection and love between us but yet so hard because we cant be fully happy because of the distance..