i have always lived by the golden rule.. do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you!
i have always been good at ignoring gossip, but lately it has been getting on my nerves. filipinas especially have this habit of talking behind my back.. if i work they gossip that i am too poor so my husband sent me to work, if i dont work they say i am lazy!!!
it has been getting worst, i only have a handful of filipino friends to avoid gossip. i was in town last saturday and i saw a couple of pinays in boots, as i walked past them i heard one say, oh i heard that Maria (me) is having a relationship with an american airman on base

!!! and that she was going to call my husband to let him know... i was like shocked as all my friends on the american base are pinays married to americans! i called my husband crying, and my husband told me that he finds that impossible and dismissed it. when he got home he told me that 10 years ago before we got married he got an anonymous letter telling him that i am marrying him for money

.. and he then said that he thought it was from a filipina coz the english was not very good...
question is WHY!!! why would somebody do that...! i have never asked money from my husband wht he gives me is from his own doing not mine!! when my dad got so sick with cancer i didnt ask my husband for help, i was going to work and find my own money so i can help my dad, but it was my husband who said he will help that he wanted me to stay home..
a good friend told me that others are just jealous, jealous of what??? it seems that filipinas wherever they are in the world still gossip and envious of others,, if they see others with better lives they will pull down (crab mentality!) with me i do not care what you have, what house you have or what car you drive, what matters is the person that you are!
thank you,,, bow!