It's now 07:43 and I'm intending to write my first meaningful contribution in quite some time. Granted, some may think I've never made a meaningful contribution on this forum ever - indulge me I've been really quiet as i'm trying to get back on top of the work I've neglected to an extent as I was concerned about leaving Pia at home alone while I traveled. Also I have been trying to establish 2 small businesses for Pia to run while I'm at work.

I design distinctive semi-bespoke shirts and suits which we are about to commercialise. Additionally, we are about to launch a range of 19 derma cosmetic products for the face, body and hair.

I'm laying upstairs in the Orange bedroom. Some of our friends from the forum, e.g. Ben and Jasmine and also Simon and Elena will be familiar with it. Anyway, it's orange as in a moment of compromised judgement while rushing to get ready for my queen's arrival on 8th August last year, I selected what I thought was a warm colour for its walls but in fact was orange. I'm in this room as I am displaying early symptoms of the flu and with Marikit still only 15 weeks old (wow, already) and needing a lot of attention (colic, rash and teething) I reluctantly decided I should quarantine myself from them

Anyway, I'm alone so have a lot of time to think. We are only 4 weeks away from our first trip to the Philippines as a family. Last year when Pia, Elena, Vanessa and I arrived from the Philippines on August 8th, we were at the beginning of an uncertain journey. I recall the somewhat sombre mood in the Mabuhay Lounge at Manila Airport as all three reflected on what they were leaving behind. We did not know each other so well but I tried my best to lift their spirits. Since then we have established firm friendships. Elena and Simon have married and given birth to a totally adorable little girl Mia. John and Vanessa are expecting baby Robert. Pia and I have been blessed with Marikit. We enjoy the friendsip of so many others including Ben, Jassmine and Aaren and Mark, Cristina and Raffy. It's been a great year.

When Pia and I waved goodbye to our family in Surigao. It was particularly sad; we had no idea when we would see them again. I miss them almost as much as my wife does. They are truly beautiful people and despite the obvious differences that most Pinoy see between themselves and me, I have never felt anything but at home with all of Pia's relatives. The same was really true of my mother and brother when they attended our wedding. Adding to the sadness of our departure was seeing my beautiful wife crying on the phone to her sis - she had tried to run an errand for us before our departure from Manila and only made it to the airport after we had gone in - so they never got to say goodbye to each other.

Well, we arrived in the UK and eventually set about establishing our home. It was not long before we had our first surprise - Pia was pregnant. If you were aware of the cicumstances you would understand why we were a little surprised. Of course we were delighted too, although it had not been our plan. I'd hoped that Pia would work or study so that her acclimitisation would be accelerated. I then focussed on trying to support Pia as much as possible and reducing my travel so that I could be here as much as possible. I went from aprox. 20 flights a month to 3 in 4 months. Needless to say my work suffered substantially. It was not helped by a haemorrhagic scare about 5 months into the pregnancy. But all worked out well. Our little princess was born early April. (We've not had a decent night's sleep since then btw )

Pia and I went from a prolonged cuddle and quiet talk in bed each night, to a pat on the back and "Goodnight dear" Still, it's only for a short while we're told. Btw, why does Pia bite me everytime she thinks Marikit is particularly cute!!!!!!!!!!

So, when we go back to da phils our family will see a new Pia. Pia the established asawa and nanay. I will be so proud when they see that in her. I remember nany's counsel to Pia several times before we left - "Pia, don't be so makulit ha". I think Pia must have heard her as I have never seen that in my beautiful wife. I am always imagining us walking off the plane and towards nanay et al and hearing nanay and sis shouting and running towards us to hug us and take Marikit into their arms. I can see tatay with tears in his eyes as he is a loving man I admire so much that reminds me so much of my own father in terms of his principles. My wife was raised in a stable and exceptionally loving home and it shows. I will do my part to ensure the same for Marikit. All of my favourite ates will be there. They are so loving all of them.

How happy we will all be when we are together in Surigao!!!!

While over there we will be having a baby dedication. We have ordered a 50kg baboy and will be having a big children's party on the basket ball court next to the house. We have bought many 'useful and educational' items to wrap up as gifts for the kids in the barangay. I can't wait to see them all. "Tito Toks is back, Tito Toks is back", they will cry and I will be moved to tears again when take my hand into their little hands and raise mine to their foreheads one by one and 'bless' me. Then I'll start singing boom ta rat ta rat and Pinoy ako and an other popular new songs while the tricycles roar past us on the National Highway.

It will be interesting walking with Pia and Marikit. I can imagine some people running ahead of us so they can get a good look at Marikit. We noticed the same at the Leeds Barrio Fiesta. It seems so many wonder what a child from the 2 of us will look like The staff at the Intercon will welcome us back and see the fruit of our love. Even bore then the loung staff at Leeds airport and some at Schiphol airport have changed shifts so that they can meet Pia and Marikit. As they say, they have ben following this love story from the beginning. I can't wait to show them off

In summary, I'm an extremely happy man. I love my wife, I love our baby, I love our family and I love our friends.