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Thread: I need someone to talk to

  1. #1
    Respected Member britishdetained's Avatar
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    I need someone to talk to

    hello, im a newbie here...I came across this forum as my husband is a British national who is currently detained her in the Philippines...i need advise to what to do

  2. #2
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Oh dear, that dosen't sound to good....Why is he being detained?
    I don't have any legal experience & I'm not sure anyone will have much knowledge of Philippine law?

    Can you tell us a little bit more, then someone maybe able to offer some advice?

  3. #3
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    You need to get in contact with the British Embassy, but I should imagine you have done that already?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by britishdetained View Post
    hello, im a newbie here...I came across this forum as my husband is a British national who is currently detained her in the Philippines...i need advise to what to do
    I have merged and moved your posts to the legal section....

    I am extremely sorry to hear about yours and your husband's misadventure and I can offer all my simpathy.

    I am sure the other members will suggest more or less the same advice as I do, which is to seek proper legal advice and probably to instruct the lawyer to counterclaim against the officers involved for seeking bribes to drop the case.

    Unfortunately in the Philippines, the "foreigner" is always an easy target for a shake down, regardless wether the charges against him are real or not.

    In the Uk, or anywhere else in the West, very few people would have to spend time in jail before a trial.


  5. #5
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by britishdetained View Post
    hello, im a newbie here...I came across this forum as my husband is a British national who is currently detained her in the Philippines...i need advise to what to do
    Sorry! I didn't read your other posts when I replied here.
    Just try and get on this forum, when you can.
    Some mention of this case, has been reported on here before.

  6. #6
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    Wow this is scary,

    I am sorry for your situation

    can you tell us if your partner has appropriate visa and if your business is all properly registered and paid up?. Are there any underlying issues which means that the Embassy know of that means they cannot help more?

    To all Brits here considering investing in businesses in the Phils, be very careful what you do and always get to know the Chief of Police and the mayor of your town as social friends if you can!!!
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  7. #7
    Respected Member miss.piggy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by britishdetained View Post
    hello, im a newbie here...I came across this forum as my husband is a British national who is currently detained her in the Philippines...i need advise to what to do
    Charlene, I've seen other threads about Kevin and I sympathise with you. Have you tried contacting this organisation?:

    Amnesty International UK
    The Human Rights Action Centre
    17-25 New Inn Yard
    London EC2A 3EA
    Phone +44 (0) 20 7033 1500
    Fax +44 (0) 20 7033 1503
    Textphone +44 (0) 20 7033 1664

    I know they've given you their contact details as they are willing to look at the case and see what they can do. I suggest that you contact them immediately as you will be needing the most help you can get as soon as possible. I know money would give a big deal at the moment, but if you really want justice, then you have to go and seek for further advices from people / organisations catering to these sort of issues.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by britishdetained View Post
    hello, im a newbie here...I came across this forum as my husband is a British national who is currently detained her in the Philippines...i need advise to what to do
    Hello and welcome to the forum.....
    Feel free to ask and i'm sure many on here will do their best to help you out and give you all the advise you need...........
    "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
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  9. #9
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  10. #10
    Respected Member britishdetained's Avatar
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    Kevin was chrage of illegal recruitment...but honestly we do not know why and how. About the arrest, its ilegally as they arrested Kevin without any warrant. His embassy was able to visit him, but when he was arrested that day no one from the cidg contucted the embassy and they try to block the calls from his consulate. And lastly about his is all in proper status that is why even the consulate were studying the case as they cannot really interfere with the Philippines law. I have in contact with FTI and other org in the UK however their responce is bit slow.

  11. #11
    Respected Member britishdetained's Avatar
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    This is what the updates about the case
    Kevin, and I together with my other three employees are facing charges of Syndicated Illegal Recruitment. In the Philippines, this is a non bailable offense as the number of the accused are more than three. Honestly, we are not arraigned yet nor have read to us the charges that they are saying against my company.

    I do not know why it has been more than two months now but no trial is scheduled yet. All we know is that last May 15th an entrapment was facilitated at my office at around 5:30 in the afternoon. As we all know we are not even a recruitment agency. All my permits from the government are for consultancy. That is why I registered my company’s name as TAYLOR’S VISA AND TRAVEL CONSULTANCY. We do help Filipinos with their VISA and helping them to attain the proper certifications they need if their intention is attaining work visa from different countries. We never promised them employment as we cannot, instead we do visa assestment and training for those who will be taking an English examination to pass on of the required test by most countries. These exams are IELTS and TOEIC, which is very important for a Filipino to take in able to attain the proper visa they wanted. However, because these exam are not made by my company but instead they must take it to illegitimate testing centers such as the HOPKINS International (TOEIC and the British Council for the IELTS), we only teach them and review for the preperation of such exams. Inspite of this…we were accused of Illegal Recruitment!

    Few days ago, the one who handed the money for my cashier contacted me and made his confession. He back out as a complainant as he was sorry about what he had done. He said he realised that by doing that he will be accountable by the law to soon say what is the truth and he was so afraid that he will be charged of “contempt” as he has no evidence nor cannot prove that we do illegal recruitment. It was a shacked for me when he narrated what happened prior to the entrapment.

    Richard Quizon’s Testimony: (Signed infront of the lawyer and was notarized)

    1. At around 2:00 in the afternoon May 15th he got a texted from Ms. Rosemarie Jimenez (my former employee) that she want to meet him near my office to discuss a very important matter. When he arrived he was told to that we are illegal recruiters and he must file a complaint against us for him to get money as she said Kevin and I have 3 million pesos. A part of it will be given to him as his share if he will be filing a complaint. On his confussion he asked her what should he do? He knows that he cannot continue his processing with my company as he failed the TOEIC test (upon failing the such exam, I automatically send them letter about the option of getting a refund from the processing fee that he paid to avail our services that is the P8,000 plus a 12% VAT/tax, if the client opted to refund he will get 80% of his payment; if he preferred to continue he must be re-evaluated without any cost and will be subjected for a retake. But this said retake is upon approval depending on the evaluation of the score). Rosemarie encourange him just to file a complaint so he can get a better share with the money that she told him we got. He was introduced to one of the CIDG officer and instructed him to pay his retake at the office.

    He was handed a P200 bill and instructed that soon as he arrives at the office he needs to hand the money to my cashier. But then because he hasnt been evaluated yet. When he arrived at the office his payment was refused by Mary Grace. He was so afraid at the moment as he knew our policy. Several times he wanted to just leave but then the arresting officer who was with him kept on looking at him waiting for him to give the money to my cashier. Because he was so scared instead on handling the money he dropped it on my cashier’s table. Mary Garce picked it up and returned to him. As soon as she picked the money, then the officer shouted already that we are arrested! Richard even ran outside the office after that.

    On the affidavits that the CIDG provided to the fiscal during the inquest, its was said that Richard made his complaint May 13th, which Richard denied and told us that after we had been arrested and was brought to the detention that night thats the only time he signed a file in the blank form affidavit. He didnt even noticed the date. Same as the other complainants, they were just texted by Rosemarie that evening after the arrest..stating the same promise to Richard as if they will complain they will get money there and then.

    How funny the system here, isnt it! Imagine, these people are arresting individuals without prior investigating. This should not be like that. The lawyers have been telling me that what happened should not be allowed by the law. An entrapment is only facilitated if the crime is obvious and complainants must have been at their office days prior to planning of the entrapment. How cruel the law it will be and very unfair as anyone can just plan an entrapment for anybody just for the sake on giving you charges. Kevin and I wasn’t even at the room when that happened and the money was not even accepted by my cashier…instead it was forced to her and was dropped at her table waiting for her to picked it. No video was even provided by the Task Force to the court. Only proves that what they did is black mail instead of entrapment.

    As you read this you can realise by your own judgement if the arrest was legal or not. I hope that through this blog, I can get people from other countries to help Kevin, my staff and I get the justice we deserved.

  12. #12
    Respected Member miss.piggy's Avatar
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    Hi Charlene, me again. I've read your last post and I'd say it's favourable to you. This is the sort of things you need to prove your case, and hopefully you get loads more to strengthen your case.

    You mentioned the law is cruel -- no it isn't. The law is supposed to protect us, and that's why it's there. It isn't the law which fails, it's the people implementing it. Don't loose your hope, as this same law can set you and Kevin free. Just hold on to what you believe is right, let the truth be released, and justice will prevail.

    Again, be strong. Lots of people here are praying for you.

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    I have found 4 links(blogs, forum,news etc.) about your case and feel sorry about what your staffs have done to your office. Asking money and foods from applicants are not legal in your business.
    I wish you all the luck in your battle. Wish you could have settlement with those people too. That will help you clear with the case.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by britishdetained View Post
    Kevin was chrage of illegal recruitment...but honestly we do not know why and how. About the arrest, its ilegally as they arrested Kevin without any warrant. His embassy was able to visit him, but when he was arrested that day no one from the cidg contucted the embassy and they try to block the calls from his consulate. And lastly about his is all in proper status that is why even the consulate were studying the case as they cannot really interfere with the Philippines law. I have in contact with FTI and other org in the UK however their responce is bit slow.
    Hi Charlene, have you sought proper legal advice? Gather all your evidence, even a signed testimony from anyone who will support you and contact a lawyer asap. Let me know if you need help on getting a lawyer as I know a few.. heck, one lives with me (my sister)... hehehe... you should have a lawyer guiding you on this.

    A lesson to everyone as well.. when establishing a business, always get a lawyer to help you. A small retainer's fee is also a best investment and would save you legal battles in the future.

    Dura lex sed lex (the law may be harsh, but it is the law) and ignorance of the law excuses no one.

  15. #15
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    I agree.. there are law enforcers who are milking money out of you. I heard stories of that from my sister... one of her clients were charged with illegal possession of cable wires (the one used by Meralco), raided his house (not his warehouse where the wires should have been.. duh!) and arrested him when he got home. The reason was, he has a vault in his house and the police took it, saying that it was money from the sale of the cable wires. My sister and her firm ended up filing a suit against the entire police precint. The chief officer got sacked and the rest of them have admin cases filed against them.

    Oh, that gives me an idea. Why don't you go to NAPOLCOM (National Police Commission) and file a complaint against the arresting officers. A little help from media will also come in handy. That's what my sister did for her client... hehehehe... they want to play rough and dirty right, so give them that too... I read in one of the threads here that your sister is a journalist? Use the power of the media.

    One more thing, don't give any more bribes. Cut that down and go for the legal means. You can ask the help also of DILG and the CHR. This would be a very hot topic for CHR (Commission on Human Rights) as they have been filing cases against the police left and right.

  16. #16
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    Best to get a proper lawyer and let the lawyer do the works or if you can't afford one go to PAO (Public Attorneys Office) in your town if you have one you can ask a free legal advise from them.
    Filipina a born survivor!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    I agree.. there are law enforcers who are milking money out of you. I heard stories of that from my sister... one of her clients were charged with illegal possession of cable wires (the one used by Meralco), raided his house (not his warehouse where the wires should have been.. duh!) and arrested him when he got home. The reason was, he has a vault in his house and the police took it, saying that it was money from the sale of the cable wires. My sister and her firm ended up filing a suit against the entire police precint. The chief officer got sacked and the rest of them have admin cases filed against them.

    Oh, that gives me an idea. Why don't you go to NAPOLCOM (National Police Commission) and file a complaint against the arresting officers. A little help from media will also come in handy. That's what my sister did for her client... hehehehe... they want to play rough and dirty right, so give them that too... I read in one of the threads here that your sister is a journalist? Use the power of the media.

    One more thing, don't give any more bribes. Cut that down and go for the legal means. You can ask the help also of DILG and the CHR. This would be a very hot topic for CHR (Commission on Human Rights) as they have been filing cases against the police left and right.
    Good advice florge
    "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    Hi Charlene, have you sought proper legal advice? Gather all your evidence, even a signed testimony from anyone who will support you and contact a lawyer asap. Let me know if you need help on getting a lawyer as I know a few.. heck, one lives with me (my sister)... hehehe... you should have a lawyer guiding you on this.

    A lesson to everyone as well.. when establishing a business, always get a lawyer to help you. A small retainer's fee is also a best investment and would save you legal battles in the future.

    Dura lex sed lex (the law may be harsh, but it is the law) and ignorance of the law excuses no one.
    So true
    "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
    "The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost"

  19. #19
    Respected Member britishdetained's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
    So true
    thanks for the advise....its really a big help.

  20. #20
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Hi there Charlene hope your ok apart from what is happening to you and to your other half right now.But if you believe that you`ve not done anything to upset people then don`t be scared.I do believe in the saying "What goes around,come`s around!"
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  21. #21
    Respected Member britishdetained's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    Hi there Charlene hope your ok apart from what is happening to you and to your other half right now.But if you believe that you`ve not done anything to upset people then don`t be scared.I do believe in the saying "What goes around,come`s around!"
    Honestly, Im trying to be strong and focused. Im doing this for Kevin and my children, if they see me weak...they will lose hope. I only pray that those who wronged us will have a peaceful mind and heart as i myself already forgiven them

  22. #22
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by britishdetained View Post
    Honestly, Im trying to be strong and focused. Im doing this for Kevin and my children, if they see me weak...they will lose hope. I only pray that those who wronged us will have a peaceful mind and heart as i myself already forgiven them
    Goodluck and Godspeed
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

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