Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
of course text and email still, but a written letter is the best evidence you can have of a genuine relationship, more personal than a typed email or txt
handwritten letters always LOOK BETTER than emails because they ARE more 'personal' but, as I've just said to Michelle, the ECOs are well-aware of the problems vis-a-vis the Philippines' postal service [if it can be called such!]. I mean, you and I both know only too well that it would extremely difficult for two people to sustain a long-distance relationship if they relied on "Snail Mail"!

Yes, it's a good idea to send perhaps a few written communications as an adjunct. But Myrna and I emailed one another practically every day and, apart from exchanging Festive cards at Christmas 2007, all our correspondence was conducted electronically. And evidently the Embassy was satisfied with that arrangement since her visa was approved in what I understand was 'record-quick time' - and without the need for an interview!