Quote Originally Posted by steadyfornow View Post
thank you joe..yes we are indeed planning to send each other letters.. but i sent him one for his birthday but now we'll do that often..though we both know that email is more convenient..lol..but its no big deal compare to what we''ll get when everythings done..we'll be following you guys..you know better..thank you..
email's fine ... Myrna & I communicated this way - for almost a whole year in fact - and it ended up looking almost like a book! But that was just US! Indeed when it came to submitting Xerox copies, we wondered if the ECO would even bother going through it all with a fine toothcomb.

And besides, the British Embassy staff are well-aware of the problems involved in relying on handwritten letters sent by "Snail Mail".

Keeping a daily log, or diary - as Joe suggests is a good idea too.