Hey calling all members and guests...want to have a laugh at your Forum Moderator.

Pete decides to go to Philippine Embassy today at 9a Palace green London W...to get his visa.. parks up in the Royal Garden Hotel...just off Kensington Church street, and costs him a fiver for an hour..just think how many 40 pesos lunches that would have bought.

Anyway takes a walk up the Embassy and finds it shut, talks to the Filipino guard on duty, and finds that Bonafacio day was Tuesday, and PGMA changed it to Monday to give Filipinos a long weekend.

Gr888888t....geeeeeezzze a fiver to park, 20 quid in fuel, congestion charge of a fiver and a pepsi twist and a hot dog...thrown in for good measure..total cost for the day. 40 quid down the tubes...

Go on you lot have your little laugh...just remember there we all go by the grace of God.