Hi :-)

Not sure how we overlooked this Forum in the past as we have been here in England since 2004.

However, here we are now :-) I (Peter) am a planning consultant and Love Mae is .... erm.....well, many things really....brilliant wife, great Ate Love Mae to my daughter from a previous life, enthusiastic ebayer, fast cylist, a rolling kayaker, and also a brilliant photographer! Makes me feel a bit inadequate really!

We attend lots of Filipino gatherings from private parties to Bario Fiestas in Milton Keynes and Hounslow. (Dont miss the MK Barrio Fiesta at Campbell Park on the 25th & 26th July 2009).

I am not bad at photography but spend most of my time editing and enhancing Love Maes images from the many events she shoots at. We were at Housnlow last Sunday so if you were there take a look in our photo gallery and see if you can find yourself or someone you know. We just toook pictures of the public attending - lotsasmiles! :-)

The gallery is here:-


And if anyone wishes to invite us along to any events we will be happy to capture lots of smiles there too :-) We hope to provide a great photoservice to the filipino community :-)

We are happy to chat on any other subject too so just message us whatever and whenever!


Peter & Love Mae :-)