I just got an e-mail,Kevin is being held in San Mateo prison,its a small prison,four cells,three for males one for females,the cell Kevin is in normally holds 60-70 people,he does indeed pay a sum of money to the "Mayor"

of the cell,for "Luxuries"

Kevin has been tested as "TB Positive"

My friend in camp crame didnt really tell me much as he hasnt had time to source any info,theres only 250 prisoners in San Mateo,he said it could have been a lot worse,Kevin could have went to Quezon city Jail with 3000 occupants

Oh yeah,if your lucky you can chat to him or at least I was told I could

by ringing manila 2971394 then speaking to the duty officer and saying I had permission from a certain someone

Charlene,he has 2 mestiso daughters and a son?You take them to visit him on weekends?