Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
There has been a fair amount of pre-judging so far...

I approved and merged the various posts because I felt that we, at the forum, could be able to give a little moral support if anything else....

What I have been reading has also been short of critical to say the least.....

It would be nice to weigh up all the facts before jumping to conclusions...

Thank you very much for allowing me post here, all I wanted is to seek help from a community in which Kevin and I supposedly belong. I know that the case is very complicated and as Kevin and I are the accussed we have to face criticism and judgement. I may have alot of things to say or explain by I guess I will reserve it in court. Right now, all I want is that to help me pray and be strong for the next coming days to come. Not for myself, but to Kevin and my six little children. I enjoyed visiting here and I've learned alot.

Just please give me your prayers that what ever happens on the 29th...I can still see my children. This is a very complicated story and sometimes difficult to explain, as I know on my honest heart I will need to volunteer myself to be detained. By this maybe, I can show to many who have judged us that our sincere honestly and innocence will soon be out.

To my six little children who may not understand all these, I only hope that someday they will have a good heart to forgive those who wronged us. Losing all the material things we is nothing for me at all...but losing our dignity and values that Kevin and I worked hard for-for the sake of our children has been destroyed already by the media and those who have judged us. But then I know the Lord believes and see the truth.

Thank you